E.W. Ripley Stating the Eagerness of a Group
of U.S.Citizens to Emigrate and Settle on the Colorado River.
A number of men of good character and patriotic
f[ ] are desirous of emigrating from the United States into the Mexican
Territory on th[e] South Side of the Colorado of the Mississipi. Their
object is to form a colo[ny] of Agriculturists. This tract of terr[itory?]
at present [is] inhabited by the Ca[ ] and other Indians and the prese[nce
of] such a colony would materially chec[k] their depredations. Should they
go to this point they will conform to your language and political Institutions.
they would defend your territory; and be a powe[rful au]xiliary TORN [ ]
their agent from [ ] [ ]. He and the other Colonists would remove immediately
with their families if they can obtain a grant of lands to settle and I
think they would be of vast service to yourself individually and to the
nation of Mexico I have the honor to be with sentiments of high respect
Your most obedt Servt
E.W.Ripley (rubric)
New Orleans Au[gust ??] 1823