ARMY ORDER June 3, 1836
A Genl. parade of the army will take place tomorrow morning half
past 3 Oclk A.M., The funeral is ordered at 9 Oclk A.M. Sherman will
take command and conduct the procession in the following order:
First Artillery, 2nd. Music, 3rd Majr. Morehou's Command, 4th 6 company
officers---6 company officers, 5 Mourners. Those of Fannins
comd. who were in the army & who have so miraculously escaped
will attend as mourners, 6. commander in Chief & Staff, 7. Medical
Staff, 8. 2nd Regt. comd. by Majr. Wells, 9. 1st Regnt. Comd. by Lieut.
Col. Summerville, 10. Regulars Comd. by Lieut Col. Millard, Major
Poe will order a minute gun fired from the fort, commencing with the
time the procession moves until it arrives at the grave. Majr. Morehouses'
Comd. will fire 3 rounds of Blank Cartridges at the grave.
Thos J. Rusk Brigr. Gn Com.