Fannin's Fight and the Goliad Massacre
Page 9
Here the ghastly remains of the massacred men of Fannin's Command were found in the partially covered trenches where they had been dumped and burned. Some bones, gnawed by coyotes and dogs were on top of the ground. General Rusk immediately gave orders for a formal military burial of the bones.  Rusk issued the following order for the military funeral:
ARMY ORDER  June 3, 1836

A Genl. parade of the army will take place tomorrow morning half past 3 Oclk A.M., The funeral is ordered at 9 Oclk A.M. Sherman will take command and conduct the procession in the following order:  First Artillery, 2nd. Music, 3rd Majr. Morehou's Command, 4th 6 company officers---6 company officers, 5 Mourners.  Those of Fannins comd. who were in the army & who have so miraculously escaped will attend as mourners, 6. commander in Chief & Staff, 7. Medical Staff, 8. 2nd Regt. comd. by Majr. Wells, 9. 1st Regnt. Comd. by Lieut. Col. Summerville, 10. Regulars Comd. by Lieut Col. Millard, Major Poe will order a minute gun fired from the fort, commencing with the time the procession moves until it arrives at the grave. Majr. Morehouses' Comd. will fire 3 rounds of Blank Cartridges at the grave.

Thos J. Rusk Brigr. Gn Com.