Tejas y Coahuila Flag

At the time of the revolution, Texas was not a separate state in Mexico. Texians lived under the State Flag of Coahuila y Tejas in the 1820’s and 1830’s. The two stars signified the two regions that comprised the State of Coahuila and Texas. It was joined administratively to the state of Coahuila with the capital in Saltillo, Coahuila. Col. Juan Almonte, aid to Santa Anna, states "the enemy, as soon as the march of the division was seen, hoisted the tri-colored flag with two stars, designed to represent Coahuila and Texas" in his journal entry about the Siege and Battle of the Alamo. Mexican officer and engineer Carlos Sanchez-Navarro, who participated in the siege of the Alamo in March 1836 in his memoirs, La Guerra de Tejas, Memorias de un Soldado, shows in a illustration the flag of Coahuila y Tejas flying over the Alamo. It has also been speculated that this banner may have been carried by Capt. Juan Seguin's company at the Battle of Bexar and taken with them to the Alamo garrison.

SONS OF DEWITT COLONY TEXAS © 1997-1998, Wallace L. McKeehan, All Rights Reserved.
TEXIAN HERITAGE SOCIETY © 1997-1998, Charles M. Yates.