La Bahia-Goliad Photo Album
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Presidio de Nuestra Se�ora de Loreto de La Bahia
del Esp�ritu Santo. Displayed at the entrance to the restored
Presidio on the San Antonio River are nine flags, which except for the French banner, have
flown over the fort. From right to left are flags of Spain, France, First
Republic of Texas, Flag of the Long Expedition, Republic of Mexico, Dimmit's
Bloody Arm Flag (also flown at right atop the entrance), Lone Star Flag of the Republic and State of Texas,
Confederate States of America, and the United States.

Memorial to the Texian Forces Massacred at the
Presidio La Bahia. To the right and rear of the above view of the
Presidio at Goliad is the memorial erected in 1936.

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