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ERITREA: The man who conquered famine- Gordon Sato
From The Eritrea,
Australasia, 23 Aug, 2004 - THE SIGHT of starving, war- traumatised Eritrean families
unlocked painful memories in Gordon Sato. He remembered when he and his family were
outcasts too, slung behind barbed wire in their own country along with thousands of fellow
Americans of Japanese descent.
Today that bitter seed has flowered into one of the world's most remarkable humanitarian
projects - farming the sea, greening a desert, turning weapons into food, building
industries, work and new hope around them. Sato, 77, a retired molecular biologist, has
declared a personal crusade against suffering, drought and desertification. Equipped with
only his life savings and a deep knowledge of plants, he has set out to beat them.
In the process he has pioneered a radical new way of producing food - using seawater for
irrigation, and emulating the natural processes of desert coastlines to grow plants - a
technique with vast potential and relevance to places such as Western Australia.
An eminent researcher with more than 150 scientific papers to his name, Gordon Sato has
spent the past decade, and $A550,000 of his own money, establishing a complex program in
Eritrea around the cultivation of mangroves.
For his efforts to help the Eritreans make positive use of their hostile environment, he
received global recognition when he was chosen as a laureate of the Rolex Awards for
During World War II, the United States Government held Sato - a teenager at the time - in
Manzanar, an internment camp in the Californian desert. Forty years later, towards the end
of Eritrea's 30-year struggle for independence, Sato saw similarities in the way Ethiopia
dealt with its Eritrean minority and the treatment meted out on racial lines to his own
people in the war. Eager to help the Eritreans, and prompted by news reports of a new
famine, Sato went to Eritrea in 1985 and set up a small fish-farm in the north of the
country. This scheme, which he named Manzanar in memory of his family's war-time
internment, provided wounded troops with a much- needed source of protein. When he first
arrived in Eritrea, Sato's initial reaction was outrage at the injustice of the situation:
''The Eritreans were being starved and massacred. Upon meeting the Eritrean leadership for
the first time, I was impressed by their intelligence and highly principled commitment to
freedom for Eritreans.'' From then on, Sato returned frequently to the small country on
the Horn of Africa. On his retirement in 1992, he decided to devote half of every year,
and his own life savings, to providing the Eritreans with a reliable food supply. Since
then the Manzanar project has grown to where it is providing fodder to raise enough
animals to feed 2000 people.
Eritreans are proud people, highly selective in the development projects they allow into
their country and Sato admits it takes nearly as much time to cultivate the authorities as
it does his mangroves. The Eritrean Ministry of Fisheries initially allowed him to use
small plots of unwanted land for mangroves. Now, thanks to his unrelenting diplomacy and
determination, he has at his disposal large expanses of barren inter-tidal land along the
Red Sea coast for the cultivation of mangroves and salt- tolerant grasses.
Eritrea, which won independence from Ethiopia in 1993, is one of the world's poorest
countries, with an annual per-capita income of only $A280. The lands which lie along its
1000km coastline are especially poor. The harbour town of Massawa, where Sato runs the
Manzanar project, is also one of the driest places on Earth, with an annual rainfall of
less than 20mm.
Mangroves, which tolerate salt water, grow along 15 per cent of Eritrea's coastline,
forming a narrow fringe no more than 100m wide. They grow particularly well in mersas,
creek mouths along the arid coastline where seasonal rains collect for just a few days of
the year and flow into the sea, carrying large amounts of sediment. Investigating these
areas, Sato and his team of young Eritrean biologists and agriculture graduates made a
vital discovery. They realised that the floodwaters carried nitrogen, phosphorus and iron,
a shot of nutrition essential to plant survival. These elements are present in seawater,
but at levels too low to grow plants in areas not fed by the land.
After many experiments they devised a low-tech way of slowly releasing nitrogen and
phosphorus directly into seawater - by burying small plastic bags of fertiliser below the
surface of the sand, next to young trees in tidal areas. The nutrients trickle through
tiny holes in one side of the bag. Then, in a scientific version of ''swords into
ploughshares'' iron, the third vital element, is provided by wire netting and pieces of
metal, often salvaged from the abandoned tanks, trucks and other military wreckage which
litters the landscape near Massawa. Providing this combination of nutrients mimics the
natural processes of the mersas, enabling mangroves to flourish on otherwise-barren inter-
tidal areas. The team is using the native African mangrove Avicennia marina, which
provides excellent fodder for livestock.
It is also planting out a second native mangrove species, Rhizophora mucronata, which had
become almost extinct in the region because of its value as building timber. This species
is also used for firewood - vital in a country where three-quarters of household energy
comes from burning wood.
After creating a successful farming system in the tidal zone, Sato and his team set about
fertilising and cultivating sterile areas above the high- water mark. They are now
planting mangroves in places they never grew before, irrigating them with seawater pumped
inland through a network of pipes. Animal-feed trials showed that while goats can survive
on a diet of Avicennia marina leaves alone, a varied diet is better for their health. So
they planted two salt-tolerant grasses, Distichlis spicata and Spartina. Both can be
irrigated with seawater and make excellent fodder. They also plan to cultivate the desert
saltbush Atriplex - widespread in Western Australia - which is high in protein and can be
used as fodder.
Robert Twilley, a professor of biology at the University of Louisiana, says mangrove
leaves provide a good food source for livestock in a desert environment. He adds that
mangroves can be cultivated in Eritrea, ''as long as Sato can keep the saltwater input
constant and allow large amounts of evaporation to overcome the salt balance''. Sato says
he is ''absolutely confident'' that this can be done. ''Most of the planting is in the
inter-tidal zone, which is awash with seawater,'' he says. And in the areas of cultivation
further inland, the seawater irrigation system is working well.
In 2001, workers on the Manzanar project grew about 60,000 mangrove seedlings at various
nurseries near Massawa, later successfully replanting them near the coast. Since then,
Sato has shown that mangroves can be directly seeded into the sand of coastal plantations.
The following year, the local Eritrean community planted another 250,000 mangroves, mostly
at the village of Hargigo, 10km south of Massawa. Sato and the Eritrean biologists
provided technical advice and training. The workers, mainly women, were paid for their
In 2003 the same workers became farmers, continuing to grow mangroves and harvesting them
to feed livestock. Without commitment by local people, the scheme will fail, so they are
fully engaged in the whole agricultural cycle. Today the total plantings at Manzanar
exceed 600,000 trees - and Sato is well on his way to his ultimate goal of 3-5 million
trees in 2007. He is using the $US100,000 he received for the Rolex Award to expand the
project and relieve the Eritrean Government of any need to support it.
The project has not been without controversy - scientists who had never been to the site
accused Sato of ''polluting'' the sterile waters of the Red Sea with his fertilisers. But
in reply Sato was able to prove scientifically that the tiny amounts of nutrients he was
releasing were almost immediately taken up and used by the growing mangroves. As a bonus,
a great many crabs, shrimps and baby fish are now appearing in the mangrove plantation,
helping to restore the local fishery.
Today Gordon Sato is confident that the idea will catch on around the Eritrean coast once
local people understand the technology behind the Manzanar project and its potential
impact. ''These people are fishermen and shepherds,'' he says, ''and they know the value
of trees.'' His plans include a 5ha feedlot for animals on a mangrove plantation near to
Massawa, so people can see the simple effectiveness of this technology for themselves. He
also believes the Manzanar project has had a profound effect on the thinking of his young
African colleagues. ''The simple methods they have developed can be applied to desert
coastlines areas worldwide - so countries like Somalia need never suffer famine again,''
he says.
''Manzanar serves two main purposes: it contributes to economic development and it also
enhances the environment. '' The originality of the Manzanar project stems from Gordon
Sato's simple but effective scientific methods, born of a lifetime of confronting and
systematically overcoming all manner of difficulties. ''I just keep going,'' he admits.
''I am unusually persistent.'' Julian Cribb is a freelance science writer- CT
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