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Muster at Gonzales and Battle of
Previous page 5
official report of the "Grass Fight" 27 Nov 1835 BURLESON TO GOVERNMENT
Head Quarters Volunteer Army of Texas 27th Nov 1835 To The Provisional Govt. I
have the honor of communicating to you the particulars of an action which took place
yesterday between the Mexicans and a portion of this Army-Early yesterday morning I
dispatched some spies to reconnorter west of Bexar to ascertain whether a convoy which was
expected by the Mexicans was advancing or not-about ten O'clock Mr. Smith one of the spies
returned to Camp in great haste stating that a convoy of about one hundred & fifty men
were approaching Town and about five miles distant.-I immediately ordered out from thirty
five to forty cavalry under command of the Adjutant & Inspector General
James Bowie and Col Wm H Jack with about one hundred Infantry. I moved on soon after with
a few men mounted on horseback & joined the Infantry. -We marched on west of
Town the Infantry wading a creek on the march.-Col Bowie (photo left) who was
some distance in advance came up with the grass party which had been mistaken by our spies
for the convoy as they were crossing the dry bed of a creek charged upon them and
commenced the action of the bank; after two or three fires Col Bowie threw his men under
cover of the creek & kept up the fight.-The enimy charged him with over three times
his number but were immediately repulsed with considerable loss, about this time a
considerable reinforcement came up; the main body of our force at the fireing between Col
Bowie & the Enimy came up very briskly and came in contact with the reinforcement and
a very warm engagement took place between the main body of our army and the reinforcement
during the action it was ascertained that a party of Mexicans consisting of forty or fifty
were firing on a party with Col Johnson from under cover. Col
Rusk (photo left) discovering them called out for a party to charge on them and
rout them, he made the charge with about fifteen men & routed them from their cover.
The main force of our army then reinforced by Col Bowie and his party charged the Enimy
and drove them back about three, hundred yards towards Town-during this time the enimys
reinforcements were constantly arriving from town, They brought up a cannon and fired upon
our force at a distance not exceeding one hundred & forty to one hundred & fifty
yards, we still maintained our ground.-They again retreated with their cannon & about
fifty yards & fired & then retreated within cannon shot of town & gave us a
third fire-Our force then took a position in the bed of a creek & formed to continue
the engagement,, the enimy however retreated into Town.-Col Sublett the Assistant Adjutant
general acted with great bravery & coolness encourageing the men at evry point of the
general engagement Cols Jack & Lieut Col Somerville, Capts Swisher, York, Ally, Coleman, Splane,
Bradley & Lieut Roberts & Teal of the Infantry were engaged in the action; and in
relation to the conduct of officers and men, I have but one remark & that is, that
none could have fought more bravely-The loss of the enimy must have been very
considerable, fifteen were found dead on the field & seven wounded they were seen
carrying off several during the engagement-many more must have been killed & wounded,
the ground on which the battle was fought was so extensive that it was not particularly
examined, Col Bowie who commenced the action is of opinion that the loss of the enimy is
exceeding sixty men Our loss is one man missing & four wounded (non
dangerous) Adjutant Brister of the New Orleans Greys sustained his post during the action
with bravery that reflects much credit on himself & the gallent corps with which he
marched to our assistance- During the engagement a heavy commonading was kept up between
the Alimo & our encampment Edward Burleson Commander in Chief of the
Vollenteer army Wm T Austin Aid de Camp
P.S. Enclosed I send you the report of Col Wm H Jack on the subject of
the above named battle Edward Burleson Commander in Chief of the Vollenteer
army Wm T Austin Aid de Camp
Capt. William Jack's report
to Burleson on the "Grass Fight" 27 Nov 1835 JACK TO BURLESON
Camp Above Bexar 27th Novr. 1835 To Edwd Burlison Commr in chief of
the Volunteer army of Texas Sir I have the honor to report that in pursuance
of your order on Yesterday I took up the line of march with detachments of infantry from
different companies amounting in the aggregate to about one hundred men for the purpose of
intercepting the expected convoy. We proceeded at a brisk trot to the creek which though
cold wide and deep was forded by the men with the greatest cheerfulness Shortly after
crossing one of my scouts reported that there was firing ahead, between our cavalry under
command of Colo Bowie, and a party of the enemy Our march was continued in double quick
time for about half an hour when we arrived near the scene of action we were advancing in
tolerably good order and in double file when we were saluted from the distance of forty to
Sixty Yards by a tremendous discharge of musketry along our whole line from an unexpected
and undiscovered foe It was Immediately ascertained that the enemy was concealed in a
ditch and completely hidden by the thick Muskeet Bushes, a second and third heavy fire was
received and returned when the order for a charge was given by the assistant adjutant
General (Colo Sublett) which was excuted with promptness alacrity and determined courage
The first division flanked to the right and the second to the left and in a
few moments the ditch and field were cleared of every Mexican except their dead &
Wounded. The firing still continued along the line with very considerable warmth until the
enemy after three discharges from their cannon with grape and canister, retired under the
protection of their Batteries in town leaving us in quiet possession of the field It would
be unjust to particularize as to the conduct of the officers and men under my command on
this occasion. Suffice it to say that each man so far as my observation extended did what
Texas expected of him The only cause of complaint arose from their impetuosity
My feelings however will not permit me to close without noticing the gallant
conduct of the aged Veteran Capt Jas Burlison He flew from one end of the
field to the other constantly urging us on to the conflict and contributed in a most
eminent manner to the successful result which followed. The loss of the
Infantry is one man missing and three very slightly wounded The foregoing is
conceived to be a sufficient report in asmuch as you were present at every point of the
scene of action performing alike the duties of a General and a soldier I have the honor to
be your obt Servt Wm H Jack
Description of the "Grass
Fight"--Thomas Jefferson Rusk. [From Johnson's Texas and Texans]
For several days previous to the 26th of November, 1835, Col. Ugartechea was expected to
return from Laredo with a reinforcement variously estimated from four hundred to eight
hundred men. Deaf Smith had been for some days on the lookout in the direction of Laredo
and on the morning of the 26th, he was seen coming across the field at full speed making
his way to headquarters. He came in and stated that, a body of Mexicans which he suppoced
were the reinforcements were about five miles west of town and coming in. General Burleson
ordered out about forty cavalry under the command of Col. Bowie to intercept and delay
them until about one hundred and sixty infantry, which he ordered out, could come up.
Smith said he thought the Mexican force was about five hundred strong. The men were
immediately in motion, and in a rapid march Bowie dashed on with his horsemen and
intercepted the enemy about a mile from town and about four miles from our camp. It turned
out to be about one hundred and fifty Mexican cavalry who had been sent out of town for
the purpose of procuring grass for their horses. Bowie immediately commenced an attack
upon them and ordered his men to dismount and take a bank. The Mexicans also dismounted
and took a ditch and sent back to town for a reinforcement. At this time, Bowie's guns
commenced firing. The infantry had just arrived at a creek which was about waist deep and
about a mile in a direct line from where Bowie commenced the fight but about two miles the
way we had to march. Some cavalry had been'seen a moment before Bowie's engagement
commenced and something was said about taking a favorable position to fight them but on
hearing the commencement of the firing the men jumped in and waded the creek and advanced
at a run to reinforce Bowie. When we got in half a mile of him the firing ceased. We
advanced rapidly but with very little expectations of getting into a fight. The grass
party had retired and got into a ditch and were waiting for the reinforcement from town,
which was then coining, consisting, from the best information I could gather, of about
five hundred men and one piece of artillery, I think a six-pounder. We were not apprized
of the position Bowie occupied and marched in between the grass party and the
reinforcement, who were apprized of our situation and we not of theirs. They waited very
quietly until we passed a little eminence that was between us and them and then gave us a
general fire which threw our Men into confusion. - An order was given to lie down,
followed immediately by an order from some one to retreat. It is due to Burleson to say
that this order was not given by him, nor do I know by whom. At the same time an order was
given to charge, and about fifty of our force did charge. In the charge we got in some
forty yards of where the grass party were lying concealed on our right and the
reinforcement gathered to our left. The grass party then opened a fire on us, which was
repeated before we could discover where they were. Their
force was about a hundred and thirty, Bowie having killed and wounded about twenty.
Fifteen of our mess charged on them and routed them from the ditch, killing~ and wounding
several of them. They ran entirely off the field and I do not believe that they again
joined in the fight. Our forces were by this time scattered over about one hundred acres
of ground, and in small parties, every man fighting pretty much on his own hook. We,
however, kept advancing upon the enemy and they falling back. We got in about eighty yards
of the cannon, when it was discharged on us with grape and cannister and ran back a short
distance, where they halted and fired again. They then attempted a charge with I think
about a hundred and fifty cavalry on about.forty of our men who were occupying a little
eminence on the field to prevent the enemy bringing their cannon to that point, which
would have given them an ad-vantage. The cavalry came up at a beautiful charge until they
got within about one hundred yards, when they broke their ranks and fell back. They twice
repeated this attempt at a charge but failed to get any nearer us than about one hundred
yards. About this time the Morales Battalion was brought up to drive our men from the
eminence. These men advanced with great coolness and bravery under a destructive fire from
our men, preserving all the time strict order and exhibiting no confusion. They got up in
about twenty yards of our position; all our guns and pistols had been fired off and we had
no time to reload and must have tried the butts of our guns against their bayonets but for
the fact that some of our men who were fighting in a different place hearing the steady
fire . . . at that point attempted to come to them and in coming across the field ran
nearly upon the enemy's cannon. The Mexicans took it for granted that it was an attempt to
take their cannon and ordered the Morales Battalion to reinforce the cannon. They soon
after retreated until they came under cover of the, guns of the town. Col. Bowie joined us
soon after the fight commenced and acted with his usual coolness and bravery. During the
engagement a little boy was sitting down behind a bunch of small thorn bushes loading his
gun. The cannon was fired and the whole charge of grape and cannister struck the bushes
and fore them literally to pieces, but the boy escaped unhurt. During the engagement a
Mexican officer who had acted with great bravery charged alone into the midst of our men
and was shot off his horse by one of our men. The fight I think lasted about an hour and a
half, The number of the enemy killed has been variously estimated from forty to upwards of
a hundred. I think the latter the most accurate. They carried off during the engagement a
number of the dead, as I saw myself several dead men carried off on horseback. During the
fight Genl. Burleson, Col. Jack, Col. Sublett, Col. Somervill, Col. Johnson, and Adjutant
Brister were all on the field. Adjutant Brister, who has since been killed, acted with
great bravery during the whole of the fight, and old Mr. Burleson, the father of Genl.
Burleson, particularly distinguished himself. After the battle was over we formed and
waited about an hour, and marched back to camp, where we arrived a little after dark. We
had four men slightly wounded and one of our men ran away and was never heard of until he
got to Gonzales, about seventy-five miles."
Report of the "Grass
Fight" COS TO TORNEL 27 Nov 1835
E. S. Desde el 16. del que acaba hada de particular habia ocurrido ecepto
algunos pequenos tiretcos en que ninguna perdida habia tenido hasta ayer que los
sublevados en numeros de tres a cuatro cientos hombres atacaron a 50. Dragones que
regresavan del forrage, cuya partida a pesar de su escaco numero, se sostuho a hasta la
flegada de 50. infantes que con una pieza mande en su socorro y a los cuales no
resisticron y se retiraron a su compo, muy distante del lugar en que se comenso el tiroteo
de que ban resultado un foicial herido 3. Soldados muertos, 13. heridos, 39. caballos
perdidos con sus monturasm una mula, tres carabinas, un sable y dos fuciles. La
perdida del enemigo la ignoro; pero si dire a V. E. que no habiendo observado la saldia de
la picza esta les descargo algunos tiros de metralla a muy corta desttancia, de donde se
puede inferir el estrago que en los pelotones que ellos formaban, vevio causarles
Tambirm dire a V. E. que hace algunos dias ban situado frente de la fortificacion del
Alamo un espaldon en q. colocan sus piezas para batir la tropa q. lo guarnece mas hasta
esta fecha no ban causado dano alguno a mis Soldados. Sirvase V. E. ponerlo todo en
noticia del E. S. Precedte. de la Repubca. y admitir las protestas q. le reitero de mi
particular concideracion y respeto. Dios y Libertad Bejar Nove. 27. de 1835
Mtin. Perfto. de Cos E. S. Ministro de la Guerra y Marina
Situation report and
San Felipe de Austin Nov. 30 1835 To The Provisional Government of Texas.
I have the honor to report to the Provisional Government that in obedience to the
call of the Representatives of the people met in General consultation, appointing me a
commissioner to proceed to the U. S. of America, I left the volunteer army that is
besieging Bexar on the 25, and arrived at this place last night and am ready to leave the
country in the station which has been assigned to me.
Col. Edward Burleson was elected by the volunteers comprising the army
to succeed in me in the chief command. I have the satisfaction to say that the patriotism
which drew together the gallant volunteers now in service before Bexar and at Goliad is
unabated. They left all the comforts and endearments of home to defend their
constitutional rights and the Republican principles of the Federal sistem and constitution
of 1824, and the vested rights of Texas under the law of 7th May of that year. Their basis
is the Constitution and the Federal Sistem, but should these be destroyed in Mexico and
the decree of 3 of October last passed by the Central party (a copy of which is herewith
presented) be carried into effect, and a central and despotic government established where
all the authority is to be concentrated in one person or in a few persons in the City of
Mexico, sustained by military and Ecclesiastical power, the volunteer army will also in
that event do their duty to their country-to the cause of Liberty and themselves, as
honor, patriotism, and the first law of nature may require.
That every people have the right to change their government is
unquestionable: but it is equally certain and true, that this change [to] be morally or
Politically obligatory must be effected by the expression of the will of the community and
by legal and constitutional means: for otherwise the stability of the government and the
rights of the people would be at the mercy of fortunate revolutionists, of violence or
faction. Admitting therefore that a central and despotic strong government is best adapted
to the Education and habits of a portion of the Mexican people, and that they wish it,
this does not and cannot give to them the right to dictate, by unconstitutional means and
force, to the other portion who have equal rights and differ in opinion.
Had the change been effected by constitutional means or had a national
convention been convened and every member of the confederacy been fairly represented, and
a majority agreed to the change, it would have placed the matter on different ground, but
even then, it would be monstrous to admit the principle, that a majority have the right to
destroy a minority, for the reason that self preservation is superior to all political
That such a government as is contemplated by the before mentioned
decree of 3 October, would destroy the people of Texas, must be evident to all, when they
consider its geographical situation, so remote from the contemplated centre of legislation
and power, populated as it is by a people who are so different in education, habits,
customs, language, and local wants from all the rest of the nation, and especially where a
portion of the central power have manifested violent Religious prejudices and jealousies
against them. But no national convention was convened and the constitution has been and is
violated and disregarded.
The Constitutinal authority of the State of Coahuila and Texas solemnly protested
against the change of Government for which act they were driven by military force from
office and imprisoned. The people of Texas protested against it as they had a right to do
for which they have been declared rebels by the Government in Mexico.
However necessary then the basis established by the decree of 3 of
Octobr may be to prevent civil wars and anarchy in other parts of Mexico, it is attempted
to be effected by force and unconstitutional means. However beneficial it may be to some
parts of Mexico, it would be runious to Texas. This view of the matter presents the whole
subject to the people. If they submit to a forcible and unconstitutional destruction of
the social compact, which they have sworn to support, they violate their oaths, if they
submit to be tamely destroyed they disregard-their duty to themselves and violate the
first law which God stamped upon the heart of man, civilized or savage, which is the Law,
or the right of self preservation. The decree of the 3 October therefore if carried
into effect evidently leaves no remedy for Texas but resistance, secession from Mexico and
a direct resort to natural right. Such I believe to be the view which the volunteer
army late under my command have taken of this subject, and such in substance the
principles they are defending and will defend. That they are sound and just and merit the
approbation of impartial men of all nations, I sincerely believe.
It may be out of place to speak of myself in such a Communication as
this, but I deem it to be due to say that I have faithfully labored for years to unite
Texas permanently to the Mexican confederation by separating its local government and
internal administration so far as practicable from every other part of Mexico, and placing
it in the hands of the people of Texas, who are certainly best acquainted with their own
local wants and could best harmonize in legislating for them. There was but one way to
effect this union with any hopes of permanency or harmony, which was by erecting Texas
into a state of the Mexican confederation. Sound policy and the true interests of the
Mexican republic evidently required that this should be done. The people of Texas desired
it, and if process [proofs] were wanting, but they are not, of their fidelity to their
obligations as Mexican citizens this effort to erect Texas into a State affords one which
is conclusive to any man of judgment who knows anything about this country, for all such
are convinced that Texas could not and would not remain united to Mexico without the right
of self government as a State. The object of the Texians therefore in wishing a separation
from Coahuila and the erection of their country into a state was to avoid a total
separation from Mexico by revolution. Neither Coahuila nor any other portion of the
mexicans can legislate on the internal affairs of Texas---It is impossible---This country
must either be a State of the Mexican confederation or must separate in toto as an
independent community or seek protection from some power that recognizes the principles of
self government. I can see no remedy between one of these three positions and total ruin.
I must particularly call the attention of the provisional government to
the volunteer army now in the field. That their services have been and now are in the
highest possible degree useful and important to Texas is very evident; had this army never
crossed the River Guadaloupe, a movement which some have condemned, the War would have
been carried by the centralists into the colonies, and the settlements on Guadaloupe and
La vaca would probably have suffered and perhaps been broken up. The Town of Gonzales had
already been attacked and many of the settlers were about to remove. What effect such a
state of things would have had upon the moral standing and prospects of the country altho'
a matter of opinion, is worthy of mature consideration: and more especially when it is
remembered that at that time the opinions of many were vacillating and unsettled, and much
division prevailed. The volunteer army have also parallized the force of Gen. Cos, so that
it is shut up within the fortifications of Bexar incapable of any hostile movement
whatever, outside the walls, and must shortly surrender or be annihilated. The enemy has
been beaten in every contest and skirmish, which has proven the superiority of the
volunteers, and given confidence to every one. Our undisciplind volunteers, but few of
whom were ever in the field before have acquired some experience and much confidence in
each other and In themselves, and are much better prepared for organization and to meet a
formidable attach than they were before.
The post at Goliad has been taken by the volunteers and the army
deprived of large supplies which were at that place, and of the facilities of securing
others by water thro' the port of Copano which is closed upon them by the occupation of
Goliad. The enemy has been driven from the River Nucces by a detachment of the volunteers
who garrison Goliad, and by the patriotic sons of Ireland from Powers Colony. More than
one hundred of the enemy including many officers have been killed, a great many have been
wounded, others have deserted, one valuable piece of brass cannon a six pounder has been
taken and another preserved (the one that was at Goliad [sic] from falling into the hands
of the enemy, three hundred head of horses have been taken and the resources for
sustaining an army in Bexar all destroyed or exhausted, so that an enemy in that place is
at this time more than three hundred miles from any supplies of bread stuffs and many
other necessary articles, all this has been effected by the volunteer army in a little
more than one month, and with the loss of only one man killed in Battle and one wounded,
who has nearly recovered, before Bexar, one wounded at Goliad, and one at Lipanticlon on
Nueces. In short, the moral and political influence of the campaign is equally beneficial
to Texas, and to the sacred cause of the Constitution and of Liberty and honorable to the
volunteer army [which] is composed principally of the most intelligent respectable and
worthy citizens of this country and of volunteers from Louisiana and Alabama, of men who
have taken up arms from principle, from a sense of duty and from the purest motives of
Patriotism and Philanthropy, they have bravely sustained the rights of Texas and the cause
of Mexican liberty and patiently borne the exposure and fatigue of a winters campaign
during the most inclement wet and cold spell of weather known in this country for many
years. The most of them are men of families whose loss would have made a fearful void in
their community. They might have been precipitated upon the fortifications of Bexar which
were defended by seven or eight hundred men and a number of cannon and taken the place by
storm against superior numbers and Texas might and in all probability would have been
covered with mourning in the hour of victory. On consultation with the officers in
councils of war, it was deemed most prudent not to hazard so much in the commencement of
the contest when a disaster would have been so materially injurious, and the sistem was
adopted of wasting away the resources and spirits and numbers of the enemy by a siege, the
ultimate success of which seemed to be certain, without any serious hazard on our part.
That the fall of Bexar within a short time will be the result and with very little loss, I
have no doubt.
I consider the volunteer army to be the main hope of Texas, at this
time and until a regular force can be organized, and I recommend that it be sustained and
provided for in the most effectual and efficient manner. Before closing this
communication, I deem it my duty to recommend to the consideration of the Provisional
Government the situation of the inhabitants of Bexar and Goliad. The necessary and
indispensable operations of the war, has compelled the army to make use of a considerable
amount of their property, particularly corn, beef, cattle, etc. So soon as circumstances
will permit I respectfully recommend that some sistem be adopted to ascertain the amount
of the property thus made use of, and to provide for a Just compensation. This
recommendation also extends to horses and other property lost by the volunteers. I
will present to the Government another report on a special subject of importance and have
the Honor to remain S. F. Austin
On arrival in San Felipe from
Bexar BRYAN TO PERRY 30 Nov 1835
San Felipe De Austin 30th Novr 1835 Dear Father and Mother Uncle and
myself arrived here last night from the camp in good health- Uncle resigned his office on
the 24 ult. and we left the next day for this place- I think he will go on to the United
States soon, perhaps in a few days as he was called by the Convention to go as a
commissioner to the U. S. but with what power I know not; if he is not vested with the
power to attaching Texas to the U. S. but only to borrow money etc I think he wont go
Burleson was elected commander in Chief to fill Uncles place. There are 4 or 500 men in
camp who are determined to stick to it until Bexar falls or they eat up all, every thing
in that country. A Maile was intersepted the day before we left by which we learned that
there was an order for raising 10,000 Soldiers to come on to Texas as soon as possible
under the Command of Genl. Santa Anna himself perhaps they will be here next Spring.
I left Joel at Camp in good health and determined to see the last of the war
There was considerable confusion and dissatisfaction in the Army on account of the acts of
the convention and I find they have not pleased the people generally I will write you
again Soon M. A. Bryan I send Mr Pilgrim some papers
M. A. B [Addressed:] Mr James F Perry Peach Point Politeness of
Mr Jones
Appeal for support at Bexar CHESSHER
Camp near Bejar 30th Nov 1835 To The Provisional Government of
Texas Gentlemen It is with feelings of regret that it devolves on
us as a duty to write to you on the present occasion and in the manner which the interests
of Texas and more particularly of the western part of it requires that we
should We of the East have volunteered our services upon the spur of the
moment and have placed ourselves in the field for the purpose of defending the Frontier of
Texas from the ravages of an enemy battling against her rights and it is painful for us to
say that many of those citizens who are most exposed and from their wealth could better
spare the time of carrying on this war are safely at home We have not been
wanting in our duty We are in the field We have surrendered into
the hands of the Western people the offices and honors and they unfortunately for the
Country and for their own safety have not the men here in equal numbers to us we have
suffered from cold wet and the want of both of provisions and the implements of
war These things we have been promised our hopes on this subject has been
deferred and our expectations blasted we find ourselves here without either and are loudly
called upon by the Western people by letters written from their comfortable firesides to
keep up the siege-Can we keep it up without provisions or the implements of War? if this
question is not quickly answered this war will reach your firesides We ask you to reflect
and act on this subject while you have yet time much more time spent without effective
action will change the scene large new reinforcements to the enemy are daily expected and
our numbers are reduced under five hundred We ask your serious consideration
if you do not intend to sustain us here it is time we should know in order that we may
defend our own firesides We are very Respectfully Yours James Chessher H
On provisions for Bexar troops
Austin Nov. 30th 1835 [To the Hon. The Pres, and members of the prov. Govt.
of Texas Gent. having just returned from the volunteer federal army of
Texas Beseging Baxar we feel bound respectfully to represent to you their condition and
wants-On our arrival there we found much dissatisfaction and inquietude pervading the army
but we feel happy in having to inform you of the good result produced by the
communications forwarded by your body through us to that army
On the morning of the 24th Inst. the army was drawn up when Col. Rusk
read to them the most important of the refered to documents-after which he delivered a
short but pathetic & spirited address urging the importance of keeping up the siege at
that place-Wm H. Jack succeeded him in an equally appropriate address, and proposed that
all who felt determined to continue in Camps until Bexar was subdued, (and send their
Horses home as corn had become scarce) would make it Known at that time-When the Army was
displayed from close Column and the proposition made for Volunteers on the above named
conditions-Not less than four hundred and fifty men stepped forward we assure you that we
are of opinion that if their wants are supplied-no fears can be entertained of their
abandoning the siege of Baxar In a few days and probably by this time their number is not
less than five hundred
When we left the camps provisions were scarce, and one of us was
appointed Contractor for that army by Genl. Burrelson the Commander in Chief and sent on
to procure and forward to them Provision & immediately for further
information on this subject we refer you to papers herewith to you submitted Bread Stuff,
Coffee & Sugar some salt and Winter-Clothing are indispensebly necessary which we
respectfully solicit you to furnish promptly lest they again dispond, owing the, time that
is necessarily consumed in transporting supplies to them In virtue of the
authority given to Wm Pettus by the Comd. in Chief arrangements were by him made in
Gonzales for furnishing the Army with corn meal as will appear by reference to the
appointment of Capt. Caldwell as dpty. Contractor a copy of which is herewith submitted,
which appointment we recommend to you for confirmation to act in conjunction with some
other suitable person of that place We also recommend that the committee of
Safety of that place be ordered to cease acting We further recommend the
deposit of two to three hundred dollars with sd contractors of Gonzales for the purpose of
Procuring Provisions and transporting them to the Army, repairing of the mill of that
place &c. And that six or seven hundred dollars be sent to the Comd. in Chief of sd
Army for the use and benefit of the Army and other public services-silver if to be
obtaind We also recommend that a light set of Black Smiths tools be sent out with
Iron suitable for shoeing Horses repairing canon & Guns &c. The memorandum
of Gl. Burlison herewith submitted to you will inform you more particularly of their
wants All of which due defference we respectfully submit for your
consideration Geo. M. Patrick Wm. Pettus
Supplies for 1500 troops SESMA TO
POLITICAL CHIEF 30 Nov 1835 [Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma to Political
Chief, Laredo, November 30, 1835, ordering the gathering of supplies for his 1500 troops,
who should arrive about December 11, and continue immediately to Bexar]
Orders to Col. Gonzales
Council Hall San Felipe de Austin Dec. 3. 1835 To Col Gonzales Sir
You have been received by the Provisional Government of Texas, as a volunteer to
defend the Republican principles of the Constitution of 1824, and the rights of Texas, on
the same footing with other volunteers, consequently you are required to proceed without
delay to join the volunteer army before Bejar, under command of Brigr. General Edward
Burleson and subject to his command, You will retain the immediate command, of
the Mexican troops you now have with you, and of such others as may join your corps.
James W Robinson Lt. Gov. & Ex officio Prs. of the Gen. Council. E
M Pease Sec of Genl Council.
Report of first assault on
Camp before Bexar [December 6, 1835] To The President of The Provisional
Governt Yesterday Morning at day light or rather some twenty minutes before Colo Milam
with a party of about 300 volunteers made an assault upon the Town of Bexar, his party he
divided into two divisions, which on entering into the Town took possession of two houses
near each Other, near the plasa, where they have been ever since, Battling with the enemy,
they have so far had a fierce contest the enemy offering a strong and obstinate resistance
it is difficult to determine what injuries has been done him, many killed
Certainly, but how many cannot be told, on our side then or twelve wounded two killed, the
houses occupied by us commands some of the Cannon in the place, or have silenced them
intirely, as it is reported to us, the Issue is doubtful of course-Ugartchear is on the
way with considerable reinforcemeuts, how near exactly, has not yet been ascertained, but
certainly be is not more than fifty or sixty Miles off, this express has been dispatched
for an immediate supply of ammunition, as much powder and lead, as can possibly be sent,
instantly. of the first mentioned article there is none beyond the Cannon Catridges,
already made up, I hope that good mules, or horses, will be provided to send on these
articles, with the greatest possible speed, traveling night and day, for there is not a
moment to be lost, reinforcements of men also are perhaps indispencible to our salvation,
I hope every exertion will be made to force them out to our relief immedeately
Edward Burleson B. R. Milam
Response to attack on Bexar
Executive Department of Texas December 9th 1835 To
Genl. Edward Burleson Com'der in Chief of the Volunteer Army at Bejar
Respected Sir: An express by Mr. Paine arrived late to night with the information of
a descent of Your Army on the town of Bejar with their success situation &c. calling
on me for reinforcements ammunition &c I have forwarded by the same express all the
ammunition that the place could afford, and before day light dispatched a faithful
messenger, Dr. Hoxie to Washington who promised that he would without delay forward all
the ammunition at that place amounting to say 14 kegs powder lead unknown quantity under
an escort, if possible under an 100 men. Recruits are on their march daily for Head
Quarters. On the arrival of the express I issued my proclamation calling for Volunteers to
rally forthwith to Your assistance armed & equipped for battle which will be
circulated by express to every part of Texas, so soon as published So that I have no doubt
on my part that as soon as practicable You will recieve a considerable increase to your
numbers- You will regularly keep us advised of your situation and movements wants &c.
as arrangements have been made to supply all of which we have been advised and it is
confidantly hoped supplies will arrive in time to supply all your necessities. The eyes of
the People of Texas are upon You and their most fervent prayers are up for your success
You are expected to entwine your brows with laurels, do it, let not the people be
disappointed I much desire that you will distinguish yourself by retrieving the
imbecillity and past errors of your predecessors. Remember you are surrounded by false
friends who are calculated to breed confusion & retard your progress Contrary to the
true interests of Texas I fear nothing for you, but those insinuating conspirators who are
fond of Mexican policy, for the purpose of promoting their own individual interests to the
ruin of Texas I thus take the liberty to caution you well knowing if you were aware of
their intrigues that you would use every means in your power to Counteract them. The
Council contrary to my Knowledge or Consent furnished to Colo. Gonzales an outfit of $500
to cooperate with you to the reduction of that place. I have no faith in him and you will
keep a strict eye on him. And if he should seem not to act in good faith I now order you
to arrest him and his men, disarm them and hold them as prisoners of war subject to my
order. I wish you to use every means in your power to Conciate [sic] and keep under proper
controul so that they may Cooperate to advantage. Bexar must fall, and I confidantly hope
by your hands. You shall have every aid and support that Texas can afford. Every effort
will be used to sustain Texas under her present organization both by her own Citizens and
foreigners. The intriguing party who are allied to Mexican Policy and Interest for the
purpose of sustaining their own rascally speculateing will fall, the honest people have
much jealousy against them, and their eyes are open. Much jealousy & suspicion is
afloat respecting previous management at Camp, believing the intention with many was to
sustain that policy-I wish you particularly to look out for that. & do not suffer
yourself to be decieved I feel anxious that you should keep clear of such deceptions.
Believe nothing you may hear derogatory to the present organization of Texas, it will be
sustained & must be or the Country is lost. Our agents have been dispatched to the
United States to raise men & means, and will I have no doubt succeed in both. We have
information from these which is encouraging & confidantly hope we will be able to fit
out a formadable campaigne in the Spring both by Land & sea It is expected
by the people that Beiar will fall by your hands. Do not disappoint them Reduce it with as
little loss & delay as possible. Use every means to keep up unanimity and good feeling
in our Camp. The Credit & character of the Country at home and abroad depend upon you.
Communicate with me often let your wants be known and they shall be promptly attended to
You will use the following address To His Excellency Henry Smith
Governor of Texas
With Sentiments of respect & consideration I am Your fr'd &
Servant Henry Smith Governor San Felipe 9th Deer. 1835.
Call for aid to Milam after
storm SMITH CIRCULAR 9 Dec 1835
FELLOW-CITIZENS An express arrived late last night from our head quarters at
Bejar, with information that colonel Milam, with a detachment of three hundred volunteers
collected from our camp made an assault upon the town of Bejar about daylight on the 6th
inst. They succeeded in possessing themselves of the town, by taking forcible possession
of the stone buildings outside the enemys fortress. A hot and severe contest ensued,
and had been continued until the leaving of the express. Our volunteers had succeeded in
silencing the big guns of the enemy, and done them much injury in killed and wounded; but
to what extent, could not be ascertained out, loss was two killed, and some few wounded.
They require of us ammunition and men. Of the article of ammunition
they seem to be extremely limited; all that can be had here, will be forthwith forwarded.
They are in daily expectation of the enemy receiving a reinforcement of six hundred under
the escort of colonel Urgartechea. As their situation is critical and their success
doubtful all we have to hope from, is, that they are North American freemen, and will act
worthy of themselves. The call, follow-citizens of Texas, is upon you, to rally forthwith
to the aid of your countrymen, without one moment's delay, armed and equipped for battle;
and never cease your exertions, while one stone can he found upon another, or a Mexican
soldier left to imprint with his footstep the soil of Texas. In great haste Your friend
and fellow citizen HENRY SMITH Governor San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 9, 1835. [Endorsed]
Circular Decr. 1835.
Gonzales appeal to
Mexican Army to support the Federalist cause 10 Dec 1835 GONZALES TO MEXICAN TROOPS AT
BEJAR (English translation below)
El ciudadano José María Gonzalez, coronel de caballeria permanente del
ejercito mexicano, a sus conciudadanos. Mexicanos: la voz de libertad salio de entre las
ruinas en que la perfidia mas in audita sepultara la constitucion de nuestra patria. En
Tejas se ha tremolado el estandarte de la federacion, y los hijos de Mexico no pueden ser
indiferentes a tan augusto reclamo. Por el articulo segundo de la solemne declaracion que
hizo el pueblo tejano en 7 de Noviembre ultimo, ofrecio asistencia y ayuda a todos los
miembros de la confederacion que quisieran tomar las armas contra el despotismo de los
centralistas. Esta oferta gencrosa me ha proporcionado tevantar una division respetable
que vindique la constitucon de los ultrajes que la sufrido, y conserve su existencia a
pesar de la traicion y del perjurio, que falta, pues, mexicanos para que et mundo
civilizado os admire verdaderamente libres y dignos de serlo? La union es la unica que nos
puede satvar en la presente crisis: a esta os exhorto: a ella os requiero en nombre de la
patria y os juro por ctla no envainar la espada mientras no consiga la restauracion del
pacto federal; los valientes que me acompanan, mexicanos por nacimiento y por adopcion,
tampoco dejaran las armas de la mano haste no conseguir la empresa mas noble que jamas
vieron los siglos, pues la lucha mas gloriosa es la de la libertad contra la tirania.
Un esfuerzo vuestro, conciudadanos, hasta para terminar la campana, y
no es creible que los mexicanos, generosos por caracter y libres por convencimiento, se
resignen a arrastrar las cadenas ignominiosas con que quiere atarlos a su carro la
ambicion y el interes particular de un punado de hijos espurios de la patria.
Conciudadanos! a las armas: rescatad vuestra constitucion. La fuerza que se ha puesto a
mis ordenes protegera la emision de vuestros votos, y cuando yo consiga ver que os fue
restituida la dignidad de hombres libres, dare por bien empleados mis sacrificios, y me
contemplare dichoso y feliz. Militares del ejercito permanente! las armas que Ilevais
fucron puestas en vuestras manos por la nacion, precisamente para que sostuviescis las
leyes; con que podra disculparse vuestra alevosin, si las convertis contra esas mismas
leyes que juraisteis conservar! Si un momento de aluciuacion fue capaz de estraviaros,
tiempo es de abrir los ojos: yo os exhorto a que conozcais que vuestros tiranos solo se
sirven de vosotros como de vosotros como de viles y ciegos instrumentos para lograr sus
fines depravados. El honor caracteristico del soldado mezicano os requiere que volvais
sobre vuestros pasos y que rodeando con vuestros pechos y vuestras armas el estandarte de
la conistitucion, deis un nuevo testimonio de vuestro civismo, y nuevamente la libertad a
vuestra pa ria. Campo sobre Bejar, Diciembre 10 de 1835. - José María Gonzalez
Citizen José María Gonzalez, Colonel of the Cavalry of the Mexican
Army, to his fellow citizens. Mexicans, the voice of liberty had arisen from the
ruins in which the most unheard of perfidy was burying the Mexican Constitution. In
Texas the standard of the Federation has been raised, and the sons of Mexico cannot be
indifferent to such a magnificent call. By the second article of the solemn
declaration which the Texans made on the 7th of last November they offered aid and
assistance to all members of the confederation who wished to take up arms against the
despotism of the centralists. This generous offer has caused me to raise a respectable
division to avenge the abuse of the constitution and to preserve its existence in spite of
treason and perjury. Mexicans, what else is needed then for the civilized world to
see that we are truly free and worthy of being so? Unity is the only thing that can save
us in the present crisis. This I urge upon you, I demand it of you in the name of our
country, and I swear that for the sake of unity I will not lay down the sword until the
federal pact is restored; the brave men who are with me-Mexicans by birth and
adoption-will not give up their arms until achieving the most noble purpose that the
centuries have ever seen, for the most glorious struggle is that of liberty against
Soldiers of the permanent army! The arms you carry were put in your
hands by the nation precisely for the purpose of sustaining the laws. How will you be able
to justify your perfidy if you turn them against those same laws you swore to preserve. If
you could be led astray in a moment of hallucination, it is time to open your eyes. You
must see that your tyrants only use you as blind and contemptible instruments to obtain
their depraved purposes. The characteristic honor of the Mexican soldier requires you to
turn back and embrace the standard of the constitution with your heart and soul, reaffirm
your patriotism, and restore liberty to your country.
Next page 7
Muster at Gonzales and
Battle of Bexar
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