© 1997-2008, Wallace L. McKeehan, All Rights Reserved
(These photos were found in the attic
of a house in Halletsville, TX in 2006 with labeling that enabled identification as
Smothers family photos. Information and independent confirmation about identity of
persons in the following photos are solicited, please contact Nena Smothers)

The John Bate (II) and Mary Hinch
Smothers Family on their 50th Anniversary, Oct. 1909
John Smothers (II) family is the subject of "When the Dust Settled on the Patriarch's House"
Tentative identifications clockwise, left to right as
heads appear:
1. John Bate Smothers II. 2. Mary Ann Elizabeth Hinch Smothers. 3. E.D.Smothers. 4.
Mary Miller Smothers. 5. Unidentified boy. 6. Unidentified girl.
7. C.C. Turk 8. Unidentified woman. 9. Lucy Smothers Turk
10. Robert L. Smothers. 11. Maggie Smothers Karney. 12. Oscar
Karney. 13. Held child: Oscar Karl Karney. 14. Stepp Smothers.
15. Unidentified. 16. George Smothers (rear of table). 17. Carrie
Williams Smothers. 18. Thomas Upchurch. 19. Cora Kelley Smothers
Upchurch. 20. Fannie Smothers Turk. 21. Eugene Turk.
22. Unidentified child (front of 17). 23. Unidentified infant held by
19. 24. Blonde girl at table. 25. Boy at table. 26.
Blond girl. 27. Jennie Smothers Kelley (partially obscured female).
28. Child held by 27. 29. Charles Kelley (partially obscured
male). 30. Blond child. 31. Child held by 32. 32, Lilly S.
Smothers (holding child). 33. Henry Smothers. 34. Unidentified
male. 35. Unidentified female. 36. Obscured child in lap of
37. 37. Unidentified female. 38. Unidentified boy (hand on
shoulder). 39. Obscured female? 40. John McElroy. 41.
Lizzie Smothers McElroy.

Mary Ann Elizabeth Hinch Smothers
(Wife of John B. Smothers II)

Possibly young John B. Smothers II
or son John Wesley Smothers
Harris Ashby
(wife of John B. Smothers I)

Possibly Mary Jane Smeathers Foster
(daughter of Archibald Jacob Smeathers)

Possibly Joseph Foster
(Son of Mary Jane Smeathers Foster above right.
Family lived in WilliamsonCo, TX)

Henry Stoner Smothers
(Son of John Bate II and Mary Hinch Smothers)
© 1997-2008, Wallace L. McKeehan, All Rights Reserved |