Vicente Tarín's Letter to General Frances Humber

[In margin] Copia de la carta de Tarín a Humber

S[eñ]or G[ene]ral Ember = Nachitoches 13 de M[ar]zo de 1815 = Mi Estimado S[eñ]or y G[ene]ral: con respecto haverme d[ic]ho V[uestra] S[eñoria] en el t[iem]po q[u]e estubo en este puesto q[u]e si yo seria uno de los que le acompaarian en la expedicion p[ar]a n[ues]tro Reyno, y yo por haverlo ofrecido a V[uestra] S[eñoria] sabe[?] q[u]e reunirme todo lo posible a fin de no ir con S[eñ]or Toledo a su Campam[en]to de Sabinas: lo mismo hice ahora en la partida de gente q[u]e salio p[ar]a esa Villa; mas Saviendo por las cartas q[u]e me escriven los Soldados q[u]e se hallan enganchados baxo la proteccion de V[uestra] S[eoria] (cuya comp[ai]a he criado) el d[---?] no con q[u]e se han enganchado no puedo[?] menos q[u]e comunicarle estoy pronto p[ar]a q[u]e disponga de mi lo q[u]e quite mediante el ofrecim[ien]to q[u]e de ante ma--[?] le tengo hecho, q[u]e el no haver ido yo con la gente q[u]e se haya en su Comp[ai]a ha sido[?] por q[u]e ignorava el paradero de V[uestra] S[eoria]: hay alg[uno]s Espaoles en este Suelo q[u]e ofrecen Servir en mi Comp[añí]a de la manera q[u]e V[uestra] S[eoria] me imponga, a cuyas or[de]n[e]s estoy pronto = V[uestra] S[eñoria] gose la felicidad q[u]e le apetece su afect[uoso] Serv[id]or. Q.S.M.B. — Viz[en]te Tarín

[Rough translation]

[In margin] Copy of the letter from Tarín to Humber

Lord General Humber
Nachitoches, March 13, 1815

My esteemed Lord and General: with regard to my having told Your Lordship at the time that he was at this place, that certainly I would be one of those who would accompany him in the expedition to our Kingdom, and I, for having promised it to Your Lordship, he knows[?] that my joining all that is possible at last from not going with Señor Toledo to his encampment on the Sabine: the same I did now in the party of persons who left for that Villa; besides knowing by the letters that the soldiers who happen to be enlisted under Your Lordship's support are writing me (whose company I formed), the —[?] with which they have enlisted, I can do no less than inform him I am ready for what he might direct of me, that which he extracts by means of the offer that before —[?] I have made him, that my not having gone with the persons who happen to be in his company has been because I did not know Your Lordship's whereabouts: There are some Spaniards on this soil who are offering to serve in my company in the manner that Your Lordship instructs me, to which orders I am ready — May Your Lordship enjoy the happiness that he longs for.

Your gracious servant. [Q.S.M.B.] — Vicente Tarín

Source: Bexar Archives Microfilm; Roll 57, Frames 314, 315. Transcribed by Robert L. Tarín Jr., August 18, 1988, from a photocopy provided by John O. Leal, Bexar County Archivist.
Refinements to this translation would be welcome.