Nemesio Salcedo to the Spanish Governor, March 15, 1803


C[uenta]. en 15 de Marzo

De las cien plazas de q[u]e conste la Comp[añi]a Vol[an]te de San Carlos de Parras, he determinado que treinta y tres inclusos el Alférez D[o]n Fran[cis]co Adam y el Sarg[en]to Vicente Tarín se trasladen de destacamento á esta Villa cuya resolucion comunico á V[uestra] M[erced] p[ar]a q[u]e desde luego disponga en cumplimiento. Quando la misma Comp[añi]a marchó para esa Prov[inci]a quedaron en diversos destinos catorce hombres de ella, los quales ha de contar V[uestra] m[erced] como existentes aqui p[ar]a sobre este num[mer]o completar los referidos treinta y tres: que es decir: q[u]e ademas del Alférez Adam y Sarg[en]to Tarín se deven nombrar Diez y siete hombres de los que se hallan en esa Provincia. En este num[er]o se han de comprehender precisam[en]te Joséph Olguin, Nicolas Soto, Fran[cis]co Planes y Nicolas Tomé q[u]e dejaron sus familias en la Villa de San Geronimo y conviene se unan á ellas; cuya advert[enci]a hago a V[uestra] M[erced] p[ar]a q[u]e tenga mui presente. Como el enunciado num[er]o de Tropa compara una tercera parte de la total fuersa de d[ic]ha Comp[añi]a, es consiguiente q[u]e en el se comprehendan tres cavos y teniendo igualm[en]te sus familias en S[a]n Geronimo Rafael Soto Santiago Lopez, Josef Nava, es á estos á los que toca ser nombrados p[ar]a aqui, pues aunque se quedó el Cabo Yldefonso Galavís, determinaró se ha de marchar a unirse con la comp[añi]a quando regrese del Servicio en q[u]e se halla. El Alférez D[o]n Fran[cis]co Adam deve hacerse carga de la Tropa destinada á esta Villa y bajo tál concepto hara V[uestra] M[erced] q[u]e el Capitán D[o]n Fran[cis]co Amangual le entregue formalm[en]te las cuentas de ella asi como tambien una relacion de los Caballos y Mulas de Silla armam[en]to y demas prendas de cada individuo y de la parte del atajo del comun que le corresponda conducir. Con esta fecha paso Or[de]n al M[i]n[is]tro Tesorero de Real Hacienda del Saltillo p[ar]a q[u]e desde primero de Enero del corr[ien]te año se afunte y satisfaga á la enunciada Comp[añi]a en la oficina de su cargo; en cuya intelig[enci]a puede V[uestra] M[erced] tomar las dispossiciones oportunas p[ar]a q[u]e el Avilitado pasé á recivir el medio situado correspond[en]te a los primeros seis meses del propio actual año. En el concepto de q[u]e cuidará V[uestra] M[erced] que el Alférez Adan conduzca el dinero necesario para socorros y demas atenciones de la Tropa de su cargo, omíto preverrír q[u]e del medio situado de dichos seis meses primeros se haga deducion alguna p[ar]a este fin pero en lo suciesivo dispondré lo conveniente acerca del particular, mandando q[u]e por la Tesoreria de Real Hac[iend]a de esta Villa se egecuten las suministaciones necesarias de cuenta de la del Saltillo, en la qual se descontará el importe á q[u]e ascienda de los respectivos situados, y cuyo punto advertirá V[uestra] M[erced]á Adam me hagá presente en oportunidad. No siendo partida suficiente la que trahe dicho oficial para hacer el viage en derechura del Presidio de Aguaberde al del Norte, le advertira V[uestra] M[erced] que desde el primero de los citados Puestos pida Derrotero al Coronel D[o]n Antonio Cordero y q[u]e en su marcha[r]se arregle á el q[u]e le diere. Dios gu[ard]e á V[uestra] M[erced] m[ucho]s a[ño]s Chihuahua 15 de Febrero de 1803.

Nemesio Salcedo [rubrica]

S[eñ]or Gov[ernad]or de la Prov[inci]a de Texas

  [ Rough Translation]

Statement of March 15th

From the one hundred positions of which the Flying Company of San Carlos de Parras consists, I have determined that thirty-three, including Alférez Don Francisco Adam and Sergeant Vicente Tarín, are transferred from detachment, to this villa. The decision of which, I am communicating to Your Lordship so that immediately, he might formally order it. When the same company marched for that province, staying in various destinations, fourteen of her men, those which Your Lordship has account of, as existing here, for upon this number, completing the referred to thirty-three: that is to say: that besides Alférez Adam and Sergeant Tarín, seventeen men should be named from those found in that province. In this number is contained precisely, Joséph Olguin, Nicolas Soto, Francisco Planes and Nicolas Tomé, who left their families in the villa of San Geronimo and it was agreed to unite them; which advice I make to Your Lordship for what I have very much in mind. As the stated number of troops compares to a third part of the total force of the said company, it is consequential that in it they are contained, three corporals and also having their families in San Geronimo, Rafael Soto, Santiago Lopez, Josef Nava. It is to these to them that he feels to be named here, since although he stopped Corporal Yldefonso Galavís, he has determined he has to march to unite himself with the company when it returns from the service in which is found. The Alférez Don Francisco Adam should put himself in charge of the troops destined for this villa and under such idea, Your Lordship will make, that Captain Don Francisco Amangual may formally deliver the accounts of hers so as also a report of the horses, pack-mules and armaments and moreover accomplishments of each individual and of the part of the usual division that corresponds to it's managing. With this date I am conveying an order to the Treasurer Chancellor of the Royal Exchequer from Saltillo for which from the first of January of the current year he faces[?] and satisfy[?] to the announced company in the office of it's charge; in whose intelligence Your Lordship can take the appropriate arrangements for which the paymaster I passed it to, to recieve the pay amounts corresponding to the first six months of the same present year. On the idea which Your Lordship will keep, that Alférez Adan manages the money necessary for financial aid[payments] and remaining affairs of the troops of his charge, I am omitting anticipating that from the pay amounts of said first six months, it makes some deduction for this purpose but in it successive will be arranged it convenient with regards to the particular, sending that by the Treasury of the Royal Exchequer of this villa. They are executing the necessary provisions of account of it from Saltillo, in it which will be deducted the value of which amounting to the respective amounts, and whose end [limit] Your Lordship will advise to Adam making it introduced on opportunity. Not being sufficiently favoured[?] it which I brought said official for making the trip by the most direct road from the Presidio of Aguaverde to the North, Your Lordship advises him that from the first of the cited stations, I request a course to the Colonel Don Antonio Cordero and that in his marching himself he guides to him who he gave. May God keep Your Lordship many years.Chihuahua, February 15, 1803.

Nemesio Salcedo [rubric]

Lord Governor of the Province of Texas.

Source: Bexar Archives Microfilm; Roll 31, Frame 56. Translation by Robert L. Tarín Jr.