[1] (BAM 31:24-25)15 Jan 1803, Amangual to Governor Elguezábal. Report from San Antonio de Valero showing the company was in their new post as early as January 1803; See also (Ables,1967, 375; Chabot,1937, 232; Leal,1977),15 Feb 1803, Salcedo to the Spanish Governor. Salcedo states that there are 100 positions in Alamo Company (BAM 31:56). "The lance was often the principal weapon of the frontier soldier", (Brinckerhoff,Faulk, 1965,72); See Also: (BAM,31:126-128; Blake,7:51; Hatcher, SAT, 68:242) in which the use of the lance is discussed.
[2] The full name of the village was Santa Yglesia, Parroquial del Pueblo del Señor San José y Santiago del Pueblo del Alamo. Even though the mission ceased to function as a mission, the church still maintained control of the property and structure. Many historians debate on whether or not the mission was used by the Alamo de Parras Company for its religious observances. Although, it seems unlikely that the chapel was ever used, baptismal records indicate that the company's early baptisms were at the Valero mission. (Chabot,1937,232; Leal,1977; Schmitt, 67-69).
[3] Spain returned Louisiana to France in 1800, maintaining nominal control of the territory until November of 1803,one month before the Louisiana Purchase. Spain's revocation of the "Right of Deposit" at New Orleans in October of 1802, strained relations with the Americans, giving rise to rumors of invasion.(The World Book Encyclopedia, 1973, 12:432f, 434-435; De la Teja,1989). Texas became the buffer for the Spanish Empire against its enemies,(Garret,1937,5-10). Threats of invasion prompted an increase of military strength. (De la Teja,1988;Eaton,1980,6). Americans, such as Phillip Nolan, made it profitable to steal horses from the Spanish. Indians plundered stock from Spanish settlements which they then traded to the Americans for arms, powder and lead [perpetuating further attacks on Spanish settlements] (Jackson,1986, 439-440,463-465,470,490). In 1772 the Presidio was increased to 80 men. Antonio Menchaca reported that although well armed and disciplined,the Presidio inadequately protected the area (Handbook,1952,"S.A.de Béxar Presidio",2:541-542).By 1803 the Alamo de Parras Company and Béxar Presidio collectively numbered 173 men (De la Teja,1989).
[4] The Alamo de Parras company were veterans of at least fifteen years service before their arrival in Béxar. This is determined from their baptismal records which began in 1788 (Leal,1977). 11 Mar 1803, Affidavits highlighting the Indian fighting skills of the Alamo de Parras Company (Blake,4:184-185;BAM31:126).12 Mar 1803, Lt. Arrambide's report from San Fernando de Béxar of bravery exhibited by members of the Alamo de Parras Company during Indian conflict (BAM31:131-132).12 Sept 1804, Gov.Elguezábal to the Commandant General: Successes in fighting Indians and livestock recovery (Hatcher, SAT, ?:242-243).19 April 1806, Pedro Lopez list of horses recovered from the Comanches by Sgt.vicente Tarín (Haggard, SAT, nd, 14:26-29; Jackson,1986, 490 ; Ables,1967,375). The diary of Capt. Luciano Garcia, 2 July 1810, details a journey from Béxar to Nacogdoches and the return. The Alamo de Parras company served as escort to the Governor. They were regularly dispatched as couriers (Haggard,SAT, 1938,15:202;Blake, 7:100-102; 73:336-340; 74:214-224). The companies of Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Leon were subsequently despatched to the Alamo raising the number of soldiers in Béxar to over 700 (De La Teja,1989). The 1806 diary of news, written by Francisco Viana, set the number of the two companies at 305 for Santander an6:123-124x, Bass & Hester,1976,79; DRT,1979).
[8] (Fox, Bass and Hester,1976,79; Eaton,1980, 6).
[9] (BAM48:757), Officers of the Alamo de Parras, Lieutenants Miguel Días de Luna and Vicente Tarín are singled out for their participation in the Las Casas overthrow;(BAM49:300), Nemesio Salcedo gives thanks and recommendations for,15:231; Tarín & Tarín,1989).Several sources reinforce that soldiers of the Alamo Company, commanded by Tarín, led in the arrest of the Las Casas insurrectionist (Hatcher, SWHQ, nd,?:233;Chabot,1941, 26; Garrett,1939, 55;Blake, nd,10:62).
[10] "...There was division among the inhabitants; some had left Béxar to join the Americans." (Garrett, 1939, 176). Soldiers at Béxar joined the insurgents (Guerra, nd.). 2nd Lt.Vizente Tarín became a Captain in the insurgent army. Pedro Prado, also from the Alamo de Parras Company, was with Delgado and fought at Medina (ITC, 2: 2-5; Smither, 1927, 6: 154; McLane, 1963, 586-588; Tarín & Tarín, 1989; Castañeda, 1976, 6: 99).
[11] (Tarín & Tarín, 1989).
[12] Only a few stragglers remained at Béxar.They were without uniforms, weapons or food. (Ltrs Gov Martínez, nd, 9).
[13] The Company of Nuestra Señora del Carmen is ordered to Texas to form the company of Alamo de Parras.(Taylor, SWHQ,1956, 59:381; Ltrs Gov Martínez,9). The remaining positions were filled by individuals, most of which, whe of local origin (Leal, SF Bapt,1977; McLean,1977, 4:115-129). "...the sense of community in small frontier settlements probably encouraged people to volunteer." (Weber,1982,118).
[14] Terán proposes a systems of garrisons in Texas (Weber,1982,171-172).13 April 1830,Terán to Elosúa: Terán issues orders to Ruiz to lead the Alamo Company to a position on the Brazos river to begin construction of a fort (McLean,SWHQ,70:23;McLean,1977,3:511-516; Handbook,1952,"José F.Ruiz",2:514).Terán's plans for colonization founder(Weber,1982,172).Conditions at Tenoxtitlán decline as Mexico's support fails(McLean, 1977,5:250,5:286;Weber,1982,172).Desertions were alarmingly frequent(McLean,1977,6:49).Troops were recalled(Weber,1982,171).22 Aug 1832,The Alamo de Parras Company abandons Tenoxtitlán.15 Sept 1832, Elosúa describes their arrival in Béxar as that of a "scant garrison" arriving after a "long and painful march" indicating something of the hardships experienced earlier(McLean,1977,7:319,7:325).Vicente Filisola relates in his Memorias Vol.1,pp.271-272 that most of the Alamo troops joined those leaving from Nacogdoches to Matamoros(McLean,1977,7:319,Note 2).
Col. Ruiz left the company after experiencing illness and depression. He expressed his frustrations to his friend Stephen F. Austin in a letter on November 26,1830(McLean,5:250). He later became the acalde of San Antonio, signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence and the first senator from Béxar(Handbook, "José F. Ruiz",2:514).
[15] "Desertions are frequent...and...[Mexican] soldiers are getting more and more discouraged every day..."(SWHQ,"Gen. Austin...",1907,11:47).Soldiers of the time looked after themselves and their families. Caught in the middle of the struggle, most held no strong political convictions. Few chose sides (Weber,1973,91;De la Teja,1988).Privates Manuel Tarín and Guadalupe Duran,formerly of the Alamo de Parras Company, were caught stealing arms from the Alamo indicating a shift in allegiance(BAM 155:914-915). Juan Sequin formed a company of Tejanos.(Santos,1988, 11a-12a; Lozano,1985,34).The four who changed sides were found by comparing muster list for Seguin's company with that of the Alamo de Parras,(Lozano,1985,34-36; McLean,SWHQ,70:23-33).These names are also found in the records for audited military claims and Applications for Republic of Texas pensions.Nepomuceno Navarro's pension claim No. 86, 28 Oct 1870, bounty warrant No.1093(TSA; Miller,1967,342).Manuel Tarín's audited military claims No. 1975, 17 July 1837,Adjutant General donation grant #388 General Land Office donation grant #1306,bounty warrant #3432,patent grant #497,Vol.1, abstract #778 General Land Office file:Harris,bounty grant #59(TSA; Miller,1967,853).Pedro Herrera's audited military claim,#8612,4 Jan 1839(TSA; Miller,1967,342).Concerning Losoya, (Groneman, 1990, 74; Leal, Baptisms, #877: 17 April 1808): his full name is José Toribio Losoya and not Toribio Domingo Losoya as stated by Walter Lord (p.213) and Thomas Miller (pp. 57-58) who have confused José Toribio with his paternal uncle, José Domingo (1783-1869)who was not at the Alamo and survived; BCA, (Toribio Losoya Headright Certificate, 10 April 1837, I:33, #159): "...at the time of his death, being one of the individuals who perished in the Alamo, in the service of Texas in March 1836..."
(Leal, Baptisms, #1215: 23 May 1784): José Domingo Losoya born to Miguel Losoya and María del Pilar Ydalgo. (Chabot, 1937: 220): Toribio's father, Ventura Losoya is the son of Miguel Losoya and María Hidalgo thereby making him the brother to José Domingo Losoya.
Neither Lord or Miller referenced the primary source records of the San Fernando Cathedral or that of Chabot which very clearly make this distinction. (See also, Ivey, 1982: 12-13; Walraven, 1986; Schowler, 1985: 128,186). Toribio and not Domingo died at the Alamo.; (Leal, Marriages, 79, #656: 26 July 1851): Domingo Losoya widower of María Gregoria Domingues to Gualupe Dias; (BCA: Last Will and Testament of Domingo Losoya, 30 Dec 1869):, Domingo Losoya names his wife as María Guadalupe Dias. Toribio was married to Consolación Courbier further evidence that these are two separate individuals.
Leal, Baptisms, #877: Toribio was the legitimate son of Bentura Losoya and Concepcion de los Angeles baptized 6 days old. BCA Survey 2:17 indicates that his mother's maiden name was Charlé; (BCA Headright 1:65, #317): her name is given as Concepción Charloix[sic] Losoya.
[16] From later records, it is known that the Alamo de Parras Company continued to exist as a military entity in Béxar after returning from Tenoxtitlán:21 Sept 1835, The desertion trial of Pvt. Leandro Rodriguez of The Alamo de Parras Presidial Company(McLean,1977, 11:462; BAM,166:0754-07562); 20 Sept 1835, Correspondence from Coy to Herrera,mentions the Alamo de Parras Company (McLean,11:471);4 Oct 1835,Béxar,Francisco de Castañeda to Domingo de Urgartechea:two soldiers were sent from Béxar to recover a cannon taken by the Texas Army.One was identified as Ysabel de la Garza,a private from the Alamo Company [lit.del Alamo].(McLean,1977,6:560).The Mexicans held the Alamo until General Cós surrender at the Battle of Béxar. It's reasonable to surmise that the Alamo de Parras Company,or what remained of it,still occupied the Valero Mission two months later in December of 1835. One of two divisions under Cós command occupied the Alamo (Garver,SWHQ,1935, 38:194). Upon surrender, Mexican troops[we must assume those of the Alamo de Parras Company were included] were allowed to keep their sidearms and return to Monclova ("Reminiscences of Sion R. Bostick",SWHQ,5:85-91).