Captain Henry S. Brown, Pioneer
In the fall of 1824 he made his last trip as a trader to New Orleans where he met his brother John, afterwards known as Waco Brown, on his way to Cuba for his health. Capt. Brown told him that he expected to enter the Mexican and Indian trade, through the then Mexican provinces of Texas. His brother, being devotedly attached to him concluded to accompany him and in December 1824, they landed at the mouth of the Brazos with a large stock of goods and from thenceforth the name of each was inseparably connected and identified with Texas until their death. In 1825 Capt. Brown sent his brother with a cargo of goods to trade with the Comanches of the upper country. James Musick and Andrew Scott went with him. They succeeded in reaching the Clear Fork of the Brazos river, without being molested and found the Indians very friendly and anxious to trade. And soon they were winding their way homeward with eleven hundred horses and mules and as many buffalo robes as they could manage on their pack mules. The Indians assisted them a day or two on their way, and on the fourth night they camped on the Bosque about where the present town of Meridian stands. All retired, congratulating themselves on the success of the expedition and what must have been their surprise, when midnight yells and the firing of guns awakened their quiet slumbers. All sprang to their feet. Mr. Brown being a cripple from white swelling fell over on one of his companions. The others thinking that he was dead fled into the bottoms. Mr. Brown secreted himself in some brush near by, where he remained until daylight, naturally thinking that his companions would do likewise. But to his dismay, he found himself all alone, lame and without food; yet with a brave resolution he started limping homeward. After traveling three days, with blistered feet and aching heart, and almost famishing, he was suddenly surrounded by a band of Waco Indians. Most of them seemed anxious to kill him, but some plead for his life, which was spared on account of his lameness. He was then mounted and carried to their principal village, where the present city of Waco is located. His companions, supposing that he fell dead, traveled all the first night and concealed themselves until they reached the settlements, where they reported the death of Mr. Brown and their great loss of property. Simultaneously was Capt. Brown's first trip to Mexico, but fortunately with much better success, as he returned in a few months with a large number of horses and mules for the Louisiana and Mississippi trade and a considerable amount of Mexican coin. On reaching San Felipe, on the Brazos, he heard of the sad fate of his brother, but had a presentiment that he still lived and resolved upon his rescue. In a short time after his arrival, he started with 41 volunteers in search of his much beloved brother. On arriving at the Waco Village, he found them hostile and attacked them. After some resistance and killing several of their number they fled and nine of their number were shot while crossing the river. Heavy rain commenced falling which continued most of the time for seventeen days which prevented further pursuit and it was with great difficulty he reached home, owing to the boggy condition of the country through which they passed now embracing the counties of Milam, Burleson and Lee. With a sad heart he resumed his business and sold his stock on the Mississippi and made a second and similar trip into Mexico While encamped on the Medina river he was attacked by twelve Tehuacanos Indians. They intended to rob him, but he killed several of their number and the others fled. In the fall of the same year (1826) he arrived at San Felipe with several hundred head of horses, destined as was the previous herd, and while halting here discovered a man riding rapidly toward him from the west. As he approached nearer he seemed to be an Indian riding bareback. But suddenIy he reined his horse and sprang toward Capt. Brown, exclaiming, "Brother Henry! don't you know me!" It was the lost brother. In as brief a manner as possible he related the many adventures of his eighteen months captivity, which gave him the name of Waco Brown. He explained how lie had suffered and used diplomacy to go an several marauding expeditions, hoping to escape and how at last he had succeeded while with a company of seventeen, on Cummins Creek. Now the time for avenging his brother's cruel treatment had come. Capt. Brown, with twenty men, including his herders, marched all night and at daylight rushed into the Indian camp, killing all except one. In the latter part of 1827, Capt. Brown, on returning to New Orleans, visited Missouri. In the beginning of 1828, he again resumed the Mexican trade, making two trips. On the first trip he was robbed of a considerable amount of goods by the treachery of a Mexican in whom he had placed confidence. The following extracts from "The Indian Wars of Texas," by Col. John Henry Brown, gives the sequel, to the Second expedition:
I once had the name of every man in the party, but lost the list, many years ago. Among them, however, was Brazil Durbin, Shelby, Andrew Scott, Cherokee Luke, nine Mexicans, Jesse Robinson, Moses Morrison, Abram M. Clare and William Bracken. They reached Gonzales late in January, 1829. They started with about 700 animals, but got in with only a little over 500, the remainder escaping in the night marches. They were equally divided among the captors to the satisfaction of all. It was this affair that prompted. Capt. Brown later in the year 1829, to lead a second expedition into the some section of country, in which at the mouth of the San Saba, he accidently fell in with the company of Capt. Kuykendall, the particulars of which are also extracted from "The Indian Wars of Texas." After describing the departure from San Felipe of two companies, aggregating a hundred under Capt. Oliver James and Bartlett Sims the whole commanded by Capt.Abner Kuykendall, on an expedition, against the hostiles in the upper country, the narrative continues:
Capt. Brown continued actively in the pursuit of Mexican bandits, but with his untiring numerous engagements with depredating bands of Indians, energy and vigilance, he invariably made them regret that they ever attacked the sagacious border chief. On two occasions, once on the Nueces and once on the Medina, he was attacked by Mexican robbers, but he defeated both parties and they fled, leaving several dead. He was ever on the alert, and ready to meet his foes. In 1831, Captain Brown located at Columbia, Brazoria county. Soon afterwards the contest arose between the colonists and the Mexican garrisons at Nacogdoches, Anahuac (The mouth of the Trinity), and Velasco, (mouth of the Brazos), and particulars of which pertain to the history of the country. And as Captain Brown was always the first in war, we find him among the first volunteers to attack Anahuac. But upon ascertaining that the treaty made with Ugartechea, (which with the non-assistance of Bradburn at Anahuac) had been, broken, Captain Brown hastened home and was elected Captain of one of the three companies which attacked Velasco. Col. John Austin was senior officer and Captain William J. Russell commanded a detachment on an armed schooner in the river. Captain Brown's company was composed of some very prominent men. Edwin Waller, Robert Mills, the distinguished merchant, Dr Charles B. Stewart and others. William E. Wharton, Governor Henry Smith and other prominent men were privates in Austin's company. The most of Captain Brown's company was composed of boys, but his cool courage and daring bravery seemed to inspire them with a heroism worthy of veterans. Velaseo was garrisoned by 100 Mexican soldiers under Lieut. Col. Domingo Ugartechea. The attack was made at night, Austin on the upper side of the fort, the schooner in front and Captain Brown, by a circuit on the east side, effected a lodgement on the lower beach side among some drift logs, within fifty yards of the fort. The fight began about midnight and continued until an hour after sunrise, when a heavy rain causes a cessation, followed by a negotiation and the surrender of the fort. The loss of the Texans was seven killed and seventy-seven wounded, but they sunk some of their dead in the river. In this initial battle three years prior to the revolution proper in 1835, the most gallant heroism was displayed, but none won more laurels than Captain Henry S. Brown. His encouraging words to the boys of his Company, transforming them into men, of heroes, will ever be a pleasant theme and one which will be reverted to with pride. Out of the battle of Velasco grew the feud between Col. John Austin and William Wharton and this led to a duel between their respective brothers, William T. Austin and the brilliant John A. Wharton. Captain Brown, as a mutual friend, joined with the others in an endeavor for a peaceable adjustment, but this failing, he reluctantly attended, with Warren D.C. Hall, as next friend to Austin, on the field. Wharton's arm was broken on the first fire and the contestants subsequently became friends. In 1833 Captain Brown was empowered to arrest some refugees from Louisiana supposed to be about San Antonio, shielded by the Mexican authorities. With half a dozen picked men he partially succeeded, but encountered the opposition of the Mexican soldiers, resulting in a skirmish at the Mission of San Jose, in which one of his men, Brazil Durbin was wounded by six different balls, and he had been shot by the Indians with a musket ball in 1826, which had never been extracted, yet he lived until 1858, Ben Duncan and English Tom Williams were captured and remained as prisoners for some time. Captain Brown and James Gibson were pursued by a squad of soldiers to Gonzales, but they repulsed and drove them back. In December 1833, Captain Brown was elected one of the Ayuntamiento of the jurisdiction of Brazoria, a tribunal between our district, county and municipal courts, composed of an alcalde and two regidors, or associates. In this case Edwin Waller was alcalde, William H. Wharton and Henry S. Brown regidors and by them Henry Smith, (afterwards governor) was made secretary. They were inaugurated on the first day of January, 1834, and on the next day published an able address to the people, on the critical condition of the country, pending its application to be admitted as a state of the Mexican Union, a document of historic value in showing the actual condition of things at that time. On the 24th day of July of that year, Henry Smith was promoted to the important office of political chief of the department of Brazoria, embracing all the colonies in Texas; and two days later, on the 26th day of July, the soul of Henry S. Brown crossed the river, in the forty-second year of his checkered life. His attending physican was Anson Jones afterwards president of Texas. Captain Brown's remains were interred in the cemetery of the Bell family, in whose presence he breathed his last. He sleeps beneath the shades of a majestic live oak besides the once noted Captain Bird Lockhart. Captain Brown was a true pioneer in the nobility and magnanimity of his nature; unselfish and generous, one who rejoices in the preventing and despised the stirring up of personal strife among men. His mind was quick and comprehensive and fertile in resources, upon sudden emergencies. If all the various episodes of his short but eventful life were recorded, it would remind one of the romantic Scottish legends. It was said by old citizens that he had more contests with the Indians and was more generally successful than any of the brave,pioneer chiefs of that day. Judge Waller, in a letter written in 1835 said, that while he was mercurial in temperament and furious when provoked to wrath, he was remarkable for self possession in danger, fearless as a lion and had a wonderful faculty for controlling (without seeming to control) men and of attaching them to him in the strongest bonds of friendship. He stated further that his death before the revolution was a great loss to Texas for in that struggle he would have been a pillar of strength. General Burleson, Thomas R. McKinney, President Anson Jones, Governor Henry Smith and other men of distinction, who knew him intimately, expressed similar views of his character. All agreed that if he had lived until the issue came he would have held a prominent position in the patriot army of 1835-6. Many interesting events in his life have been omitted. Indeed his life from 1824 to 1833, was but a succession of hazards in the infantile condition of the country, with its spare population and numerous tribes of roving hostile savages. supplemented by the disturbed condition of the Mexican border, with its contingent of organized bands of banditti. Yet he proved equal to the emergency. The hideous yell of the wild Comanche along the mountain gorges sent no thrill of horror to his dauntless bosom and his name, a synonym of honor, courage and fidelity, is perpetuated by the beautiful county of Brown. But he left a worthy representative in the person of his son, John Henry Brown, who speaks more forcibly of the pure chivalrous character of the father than any such honor could bestow. Captain Brown's brother, Dr. Caleb S Brown, came to Texas from Mississippi in 1840 and was a prominent and useful citizen of Gonzales until his death in 1855. He was surgeon at the battles of Plum Creek and Salado. Dr. Hugh H. Brown, another brother, died in Missouri, but his widow and children came to Texas and now sleep in its soil. Nicholas Brown, a half brother, was a captain in the army of 1836, afterwards lived in Mississippi and California, but he died of yellow fever in Brownsville near the close of the Civil War. He was childless and Dr. Caleb S. Brown left but a single child, Mrs. Thomas V. Porter [Thomas J. Ponton] of Gonzales. This article from Frontier Times, Vol. 2, No. 9, June 1925 provided courtesy of Brown descendant Laura D. Dahlberg SONS