© 1997-2006, Wallace L. McKeehan, All Rights Reserved
The Irish Colonies-Index | Coahuila y
Power & Hewetson ColonyMunicipality: Refugio |
Headright Land
From The Headrights in Hobart Huson's "Refugio."
While James Bray was laying off the town tract of Refugio, another
surveyor, Samuel Addison White, was instructed verbally by Vidaurri to run the upper
boundary of the power and Hewetson colony, by running ten leagues up the Guadalupe river
and the same distance up the Nueces river, from the mouth of each river, and then run a
straight line between the upper points on the rivers, so ascertained. In a law-suit twenty
years later, White, who was then a prominent lawyer, testified that he executed the
Commissioner's instructions, by running ten leagues up each river, from the mouth of each,
beginning on the line of the Guadalupe of its lower or western mouth, not then having
satisfactory information of its upper mouth, then running a random line to ascertain the
bearing of the upper points so ascertained on the rivers, and then running a direct line
between those points. The surveys aforesaid were actually and carefully made. The line up
the Guadalupe was reduced to a course very near N. 45' W., and the cross-line or upper
boundary was, from the Guadalupe to the Nueces, about S. 48' 30' W. He run the
colonial boundary, as aforesaid, in 1834. When witness, as the Colonial Surveyor, at one
time attempted to survey east of the Guadalupe river he was prevented by Silvestre de
Leon, a son of Martin de Leon. [Hamilton v. Menifee, 1854, 11 Tex 718]
In an earlier law suit involving the true location of the Power and
Hewetson colony, White testified that, in running the upper line, he commenced above the
Blanco, on the Nueces, and ran to the upper corner of the town tract of Victoria, on the
west side of the Guadalupe, at which time he was stopped by de Leon's son. That Power
claimed the right to colonize east of the Guadalupe. In the same suit Fernando de Leon,
another son of Don Martin, testified as to the settlement of dispute between de Leon and
Power. He stated that the Political Chief at Bexar came down in person and settled the
line, giving de Leon the territory between the Lavaca and all the titles east of the
Guadalupe and west of the Lavaca, and Vidaurri issued all the titles west of the Coleto
and to the Nueces. [Bissell v. Haynes, 1853, 9 Tex 556]
The upper boundary of the Power and Hewetson colony extended well into
the present county of Goliad, and it was the purpose of the litigation mentioned to locate
said line closer to the coast by contending that the ten leagues should have commenced at
the Gulf of Mexico. The Supreme Court sustained the line as run by White, and, afterwards,
with some variations, by Willard Richardson, deputy district surveyor, of Refugio County,
in 1838-1841. Richardson, having more time, made a more scientific analysis than did the
colonial surveyor. He ran the two basic rivers the required ten leagues from their mouths;
but, instead of running a straight cross-line from the upper ends of the rivers, he ran a
third line from the shore of Copano bay, at a point about midway between the two base
rivers, and extended that line ten leagues inland and drew lines from upper points on the
two rivers to the apex of the center line.
Judge Hemphill, speaking for the Supreme Court, held that the survey
was properly begun on the mainland at the mouths of the rivers, and not from the gulf
shores of St. Joseph's Island, as contended for by some of the parties, and that the
Mexican government contemplated some kind of regular line for the interior boundary, and
"not a paralleling of the coast lines in the midst of an aboriginal
prairie." He, however, held the theory adopted by Richardson to have been the
correct one . [Hamilton v. Menifee, 1854, 11 Tex. 718]
Having thus determined the boundaries of the colony and the extent of
his jurisdiction, Vidaurri then proceeded to have the headrights surveyed for the
colonists. Under the colonization laws
One labor [177 acres] shall be granted to each family included in the
contract, whose only occupation is the cultivation of the soil; and should the same also
raise stock, grazing land shall be added to complete a sitio [4428 acres], and should the
raising of stock be the exclusive occupation, the family shall receive a superficies of
twenty-four million square varas (being a sitio lacking one labor). Unmarried men shall
receive the same quantity on marrying, and foreigners who marry natives of the country
shall receive onefourth more; those who are entirely single, or do not compose a part of
any family, contenting themselves rather with the fourth part of the quantity
aforesaid, which shall be computed to them on the assignment of their land. Families and
single men who, having emigrated separately and at their own expense, shall wish to annex
themselves to any of the new settlements, can do so at all times, and the same quantity of
land shall be respectively assigned to them, as specified in the two foregoing articles;
but should they do so within the first six years from the establishment of the settlement,
one labor more shall be granted to families; and single men, instead of one-fourth, as
specified in article 15, shall receive one-third. [Note: A sitio and league are
synonymous. Each is a square of 5000 varas, or 4428 act or a vara is the Mexican base for
land measurement and is still used in Texas. A Mexican or Texas vara is 33 1/3 English
inches in length.]
It may be here observed that the colonization laws were liberally
interpreted. Two or more single men could combine together and be considered as a family
and receive a joint grant as such. Also a single man who kept servants (as were the case
of John Dunn and Thomas O'Connor) was considered the head of a family and given
rights as such . In colonial days, which were before the era of artesian wells,
permanent water supply for domestic use and livestock was a problem. The only dependable
sources were the running streams, which were not overly numerous in a semi-arid country.
Article 29, of the Colonization Law of 1832, which was a statement of a long established
custom, therefore, provided:
The survey of vacant lands that shall be made upon the borders of any
river, running riverlet or creek, or lake, shall not exceed one fourth of the depth of the
land granted, should the land permit.
It was also provided that no vacancies be left between the tracts.
It will be noted that all headrights in the Power and Hewetson colony were located
on some water course. The method used in surveying these headrights was, after computing
the quantity to be titled, to arrive at the length of the frontage on the designated water
course at approximately one-quarter of the length of the upper and lower lines, and to lay
the upper and lower lines of the survey that distance apart without meandering the
water-courses, which was impracticable and would have in many instances resulted in absurd
consequences. As land was plentiful and of no monetary value and settlers were scarce,
great liberality was allowed in making surveys and reasonable amounts of excess in acreage
were considered to be usual and customary. The unit of measurement was the Mexican
vara. [State of Texas v. Indio Cattle Co., 154 SW (2nd) 308; The colonial method of
surveying headrights and the length of the Mexican vara was extensively briefed in the
celebrated case of Hornburg, et al. v. O'Connor 185 SW (2nd) 993, the Spanish method of
surveying a new town was briefed in the case of Mitchell v. Town of Refugio]
The various colonization laws provided for sales to Mexicans of not
exceeding eleven leagues of land "united in the same hands," and the governor
also had the right under these and other laws to make headright grants to native Mexicans.
The colonization contract of Power and Hewetson further provided,
The said Empresarios are obligated to receive into their colony, all
Mexican families, who may present themselves as settlers, provided they possess the
necessary qualifications, and, therefore, the inhabitants of Goliad, and others, who have
applied to the Government for lands, at that point, can present themselves to the
Empresarios, aforesaid, who shall receive them as settlers, to be included in the number
of families they have contracted for.
After Commissioner Vidaurri arrived in the colony, it was found that a
number of Americans, British, and Germans had come and were seeking admittance as
colonists. The original contract limited the colonists to Irish and native Mexicans. The
nationals mentioned being desirable as colonists, the empresarios on August 2, 1834,
petitioned the executive for permission to admit them as colonists, in lieu of the same
number of Irish families, it being stated that the individuals involved had originally
intended to settle in other colonies, but preferred to settle in the Irish colony. [Power
and Hewetson to Executive. 2 Aug 1834]. On August 27, 1834, Governor granted
the petition, stating that
the Government admits the families they propose, provided they possess
all the qualifications required by law, that they do not belong to any nation at war with
the Mexican Republic, and provided also, that they entered the country previous to the
12th of June of the present year, upon which day the contract was made with the
Government, of the 12th of June 1828, expired by its own limitation. [Vidaurri to
Power and Hewetson, 27 Aug 1834]
The colonists had been waiting for several months for their titles.
Some had been waiting for years. In fact, several had grown discouraged and left the
colony, not to return. In order to expedite matters, the Commissioner employed four
surveyors for the colony, James Bray, Samuel Addison White, Victor Loupe, and Isaac
Robinson. George W. Cash of Goliad also made some surveys in the upper part of the
colony. Bray surveyed the town tract and lands in that vicinity, while White ran the
colony lines and surveyed the headrights on the San Antonio and Coleto. Loupe and Robinson
surveyed on the bays and islands. [Hornburg v. O'Connor; Town of Refugio v. Mitchell]
The Commissioner between September 1, 1834, and January 1, 1835, issued
titles to a total of well over 300 colonists and old Mexican settlers, which grants are
located within the present counties of Refugio, San Patricio, Bee, Goliad, and Victoria.
In addition to these grants, he issued titles to a large number of leagues purchased
direct from the government, and to some of the premium lands to which the empresarios were
entitled as compensation. Under their contract of June 12, 1828, Power and Hewetson
were obligated to "introduce into the Territory and settle upon the land", two
hundred families, within six years from date of contract." There is little doubt that
the empresarios actually obtained and had en route sufficient families, with those of the
old Mexican settlers (which were to be counted as colonists) to have satisfied their
contract. However, with the loss in the cholera epidemic of from one third to one-half of
the Irish families, it would be hard to determine whether or not 200 families were
introduced, when it is considered the construction given by the Mexican Government to the
term "family," as herein before explained. Henderson states of this
colony, that "Even though nearly two hundred titles were issued [She evidently did
not consider the practice of extending titles to several different individuals in a single
document], two hundred families were not introduced, because a large number of the titles
were to single men. [Here, too, she overlooks that a single man in some instances was
considered to be a family] some were for augmentations of previous grants, and in some
cases in all probability the settlers did not occupy the land as the law required,"
and concludes, "The facts do not warrant the claim that Power and Hewetson fulfilled
their contract."
It is submitted that a fair analysis of the facts show that the
empresarios substantially fulfilled their contract. Present day Refugio County is living
testimony to a durable achievement, accomplished under most adverse and discouraging
conditions. As has been stated, the Congress of Coahuila and Texas, on March 22, 1832
conceded to Power a three-year additional term within which to effect the
colonization settlement." But in April, 1833, the Congress rescinded the extension on
the ground that it had been made contrary to Article 9, of the General Colonization Law of
August 18, 1824. However, the attitude of the government does not appear to have
been extremely unjust, as in February, 1834, the Congress enacted a decree whereby
"eight sitios of land are hereby granted to each of the
empresarios, Santiago Power and Santiago Hewetson, of the vacant lands of the state, as an
indemnification for the expense they have incurred in virtue of the contract which they
entered into in 1828; provided, that at the expiration of the term they shall not have
been able to fulfill their engagement";
and provided further that the grants be not located on lands disputed
by the town of Goliad, without its consent. Considering the fact that the
Colonization Law of March 24, 1825, gave "the contractor or contractors" only
five sitios of premium lands for each 100 families introduced by them the provision of
1834 seems to have been most generous. The empresarios, it would seem, never received
grants to the full quantity of premium lands to which they were entitled. Several of the
leagues were surveyed and titles issued thereto as one of the last official acts of
Commissioner Vidaurri. However, some of the locations selected by the empresarios were in
the vicinity of Goliad; and, the ayuntamiento there protesting, Vidaurri declined to issue
the grants. The empresarios were unable to make other locations before Vidaurri left for
Mexico. During the latter days of December, 1834, Vidaurri received word of the death of
some of his family. He left the colony never to return in an official capacity. No other
commissioner was ever appointed in his stead. Political turmoil and revolution
intervening, the empresarios were prevented from getting relief from the Mexican
government. On January 22, 1872, the heirs of James Power brought a suit against Governor
Edmund J. Davis for the purpose of obtaining from the State of Texas the balance of the
premium lands not received from the Mexican government. The courts denied their prayers.
On November 13, 1835, the General Consultation adopted a plan for a
provisional government for Texas, which included as its Article XIV the following
"That all land commissioners, empresarios, surveyors, or per sons
in anywise concerned in the location of lands, be ordered forthwith to cease their
operation during the agitated and unsettled state of the country, and continue to desist
from further locations until the land office can be properly systematized by the proper
authority, which may hereafter be established," etc.
A similar provision was contained in the Constitution of the Republic
of Texas. Thus officially, as well as factually, ended the colonial empresario
system, and the Power and Hewetson colony.
The following is the list of settlers that received title to grants in
the Colony as compiled by Hobart Huson in Refugio from Land Office Records. The date
of issue of title, amount and location of grants where cited comes from Abstract of
Original Titles in the General Land Office issued by Commissioner José Jesus Vidaurri
reprinted in Texas Irish Empresarios by William H. Oberste.
For biographical information, Search Handbook of Texas Online
Grantee |
1834 |
Leagues |
Location |
José Miguel Aldrete |
09-10 |
1 |
Aransas, lower line |
José Miguel Aldrete |
09-22 |
5 |
Aransas, at M. De Leon's Ranch |
José María Aldrete |
09-22 |
1/4 |
Refer to Miguel Aldrete |
Rafael Aldrete |
Trinidad Aldrete |
Alfred Allison |
John Anderson |
William Anderson |
12-27 |
1/4 |
Aransas joining O'Reilly |
Augusta Austa |
Tomás Banuelos |
Joseph Bartlett |
Solon Bartlett |
Carlos W. Bartels |
William Bartels |
John Andrew Baumacker |
W.D.Beauhan |
Caleb Bennett |
John Bennett |
José María Blanco |
Samuel Blair |
08-04 |
1/4 |
Agua Sarca east side |
John Bowen |
James Bray |
10-12 |
1 1/4 |
Junction Blanco Creek and Agua Sarca |
Mary Bray |
Patrick Bray |
James Brown |
Leonard Brown |
Rosa Brown |
09-25 |
1 |
Aransas |
Elkanah Brush |
10-31 |
1 |
Sarca Creek, joins E with P. Villas, S.C. Winchester,Smily |
Sons Elkanah Brush
Gilbert, Russell, Bradford |
10-01 |
1/4 |
Sarca Creek, joins SW with Murphy, S0E with C. Winchester, NE
C. Brush |
James Burke |
Walter Burke |
William Burke |
08-16 |
1 |
Aransas next to Jeremiah Toll's sons |
Mary Byrne |
10-08 |
1 |
On the San Antonio |
Dr. John Cameron |
Dolores Carbajal |
James Carlisle |
Lawrence Carlisle |
Robert Carlisle |
William Carroll |
George W. Cash |
John Cassidy |
José María Castillo |
Lino Castillo |
Ignacio Castro |
John Clark |
José María Cobarrubias |
Gregorio Cobian |
Guadalupe Carmargo Cobian |
José Esequito Cobian |
José María Cobian |
María Soledad Cobian |
Joseph Coffin |
James Collyer |
Matthew Collyer |
Richard William Collyer |
Felix Corason |
John Coughlin |
Phoebe Crane |
Susan Moore Crane |
William Crane |
William Cunningham |
Joseph Benjamin Dale |
Hugh Dale |
John Daly |
Joshua Davis |
Oscar F. Davis |
Jeremiah Day |
Andrew Devereaux |
Frances Dietrich |
James Dolan |
Jeremiah Dolan |
William Dolan |
James Douglas |
Domingo Downey |
Frances Downey |
James Downey |
John Downey |
Patrick Downey Sr |
Patrick Downey Jr |
Richard Downey |
Thomas Downey |
Timothy Downey |
James Doyle |
Catalina Dugan |
John Dunn |
Empresario lands |
09-15 |
4 |
At Live Oak Point |
Empresario lands |
09-15 |
2 |
Melon Creek |
Empresario lands |
09-15 |
1 |
On Copano Harbor |
Empresario lands |
09-15 |
1/4 |
Between Rio Blanco and Refugio Village |
Empresario lands |
10-12 |
2 |
San Antonio, joins Keating and Serna |
Empresario lands |
10-12 |
2 1/2 |
Aransas |
Empresario lands |
10-30 |
5 1/2 |
Aransas joins river and Felipe Roque Portilla |
Empresario lands |
10-30 |
2 1/2 |
Mission Creek, jons N with Mission Village, E with Melon
Creek |
Empresario lands |
10-30 |
1 |
Melon Creek joins N with empresario land, S with C Hearn |
Empresario lands |
10-30 |
1 |
Melon Creek joins N with C Hearn, S with empresario land |
Empresario lands |
11-22 |
2 1/2 |
On the lakes on the Aransas, joins Gallen and Aldrete |
Empresario lands |
11-22 |
1 1/4 |
On the Aransas, joins Loupey and Portilla |
Empresario lands |
11-22 |
1 |
On the Chiltepin, joins Boyle, Pollan and Portilla |
Empresario lands |
11-28 |
11 |
Corpus Christi lakes, joins John Hart & Live Oak Point
tract |
Empresario lands |
12-20 |
5 |
On the San Josefa Island and Part of Matagorda Island |
Empresario lands |
11-20 |
6 |
On the Nueces, joins Jeremiah Villereal |
Empresario lands |
11-20 |
5 |
On the Chiltepin Creek, joins Polland and McAuly |
Henry Robert Eyles |
James Fagan |
09-22 |
1/4 |
On the San Antonio River |
John Fagan |
09-22 |
1/4 |
On the San Antonio River |
Nicholas Fagan |
09-22 |
1 |
On the San Antonio River |
John (1) Fitzsimmons |
John (2) Fitzsimmons |
Matthew Fitzsimmons |
Martin Fitzsimmons |
Patrick Fitzsimmons |
09-26 |
1 1/2 |
On Saus Creek |
Michael Fox |
11-25 |
1 |
Middle Creek |
Antonio Galan |
Tomás Galan |
10-04 |
1 1/4 |
Saus Creek |
Jose Maria Galban |
10-30 |
1 |
On the Coleto, joins Francisco Gonzales |
Pedro Gallardo |
10-30 |
1 |
On the coleto, joins Francisco Gonzales on the SE |
Antonio de la Garza |
Carlos de la Garza
and son Rafael |
10-28 |
1 1/4 |
On the San Antonio, both sides, joins NE with C. Murphy |
Cayetano Garza |
11-15 |
1 |
Nueces River, joins Julian de la Garza |
Florentino Garza |
Jacinto María de la Garza |
10-23 |
1 |
On the Aransas |
Juan Ciarza |
Juan José Garza |
Julian de la Garza |
11-15 |
1 3/4 |
Ramirena Lake, joins Cayetano Garza |
Lucius W. Gates |
Ellen Gillam |
Patricia Gillam |
Maximo Gomez |
12-20 |
1 |
Middle Creek, joins Mrs. Inez Reñer |
Francisco Gonzales |
10-13 |
1 |
On the Coleto, joins J.M.Galban |
Juan Gonzales |
10-15 |
1 |
On the Guadalupe |
Antonio Goseacochea |
William Gould |
George H. Hall, William Holly,
Wm. D. Crane, Edward Townsend |
11-20 |
1 |
On the Coleto, joins Joseph Barlet, Huizar, Quinn &
Reñer |
Sarah Hall |
10-31 |
1 |
Agua Sarca |
Elizabeth Hart |
12-29 |
1 |
Aransas |
Felix Hart |
11-22 |
1 |
On the Papalote, joins Robertson and Doyle |
John Hart & John Jr., two sons |
10-10 |
1 3/4 |
Ramirena Lake, joins Laurenade de la Cruz and Julian de la
Garza |
Luke Hart |
Mary Hart |
Patrick Hart |
Timothy Hart, heir for mother |
11-20 |
1 |
Aransas and Papalote, joins Wm. Quinn & Douglas |
Timothy Hart |
11-20 |
1/4 |
Aransas & Papolote, joins nephew, Timothy Hart, son
Felix, and the Germans |
Timothy Hart (son of Felix) |
11-22 |
1/4 |
Aransas, joins Timothy Hart |
Thomas & son Cornelius Hays |
11-27 |
1 1/4 |
On Blanco Creek, joins lands of C. Moga |
Robert Patrick & James Hearn |
10-24 |
1 1/4 |
Melon Creek |
Cornelius Philip Hermans |
Manuel Hernandez |
11-28 |
2 |
San Antonio River, joins J. Davis & Wm. Robertson |
James Hewetson |
11-19 |
1/4 |
On Melon Creek, joins Empresario lands |
James Hewetson |
11-19 |
1 |
On Melon Creek, touches Copano Creek on NE |
William Hews |
Nathaniel Holbrook |
Thomas Holden |
11-22 |
1 |
On the Aransas, joins Robertson, Boyle, O'Bryan |
William Holly |
William E. Howth |
Pedro Huizar |
John & Peter Hynes |
10-09 |
1 1/4 |
On the San Antonio |
John James |
10-25 |
1 |
Blanco Creek |
John Keating |
10-10 |
1 |
On the San Antonio River |
John Keating |
10-02 |
1/2 |
On Blanco Creek, contiguous to McDonough |
Michael Keating |
Peter Kehoe |
12-29 |
1 |
On the Aransas |
Simon Kehoe |
Charles Kelly |
09-27 |
1/4 |
On the Aransas, joins Rosa Brown |
John Kelly |
Walter Lambert |
11-27 |
1 |
On the Aransas |
Wm Langenheim |
William Lavery |
11-25 |
1 |
On Blanco Creek, joins Murphy |
Martin Lawlor |
11-20 |
1/4 |
On the San Antonio, joins Juan Rine, Mrs. Huizar and M. Night |
Jesusa De Leon Manchola |
Edward Linn |
John Joseph Linn |
Esteban Lopez |
09-03 |
1 |
Junction Saus & Mission Creeks |
Arnand Victor Loupy |
11-26 |
1 |
Papalote Creek, joins O'Connor, Power & Boyle |
Juan Macias |
Marcos Marchand |
12-30 |
1 1/4 |
On Copano Bay |
Charles Malone |
John Malone |
09-06 |
1 |
Arroyo Trevino, joins J. Scott |
Michael Martin & John Tool |
09-12 |
3/4 1 |
Aransas |
Domingo Morris |
10-30 |
1 1/4 |
On Sarca Creek |
George Morris |
Augustin Moya |
11-30 |
1/4 |
Joins land of father Juan Moya |
Juan Moya |
09-20 |
1 1/4 |
Blanco Creek, joins J. Hays, M. Fox and E. Quirk |
James Henry Mullen |
12-24 |
1/4 |
Aransas joins Germans and Cassidy |
Thomas Mullen |
09-18 |
1 |
On Blanco Creek, next to Roach |
Edward & sons William & James Murphy |
10-28 |
1 1/2 |
Mugerero Creek, joins SE with Dugan |
Martin Murphy |
Miguel Musquiz |
09-23 |
1 |
Malcom McAuly |
10-30 |
1 |
Joins Peland & Fitzsimmons |
Edward McCafferty |
Samuel W. McCamley |
11-30 |
1 |
San Antonio River, joins McCune |
J. McCown |
James McCune |
11-30 |
1 |
San Antonio River, joins McCamley |
Edward McDonough |
09-15 |
1 |
On the Guadalupe & Coleto |
James McDonough |
John McDonough |
James McGeehan |
09-21 |
1 |
Blanco Creek |
William McGuill & William Redmond |
09-16 |
1/2 |
Agua Sarca, joins Samuel Blair |
George McKnight |
09-18 |
1/4 |
On the San Antonio |
Patrick S. McMasters |
George Morris |
09-27 |
1 |
Joins N & E with C. Peland and S with C. Fitzsimmons |
Eugenio Navarro |
Antonio Nuñez |
Elizabeth O'Brien |
Hugh O'Brien |
12-22 |
1 |
Papalote Creek, joins Brown, Holden, Robinson |
Isabella O'Brien |
08-10 |
1 |
Agua Sarca east side joining Scott |
Morgan O'Brien |
Daniel O'Boye |
11-24 |
1 |
On Cruz Lake, joins Victor Loupey, O'Connor and Morris |
John O'Boyle |
11-24 |
1 |
On the Aransas, joins O'Brien and Holden |
Charles J. O'Connor |
James O'Connor |
11-15 |
1/4 |
Papalote Creek, joins Quinn, Boyle and Loupy |
Thomas O'Connor |
Edward O'Donnell |
Michael O'Donnell |
09-15 |
1 |
Sarca Creek |
Michael O'Donnell |
09-26 |
1 |
Blanco Creek |
Daniel O'Driscoll |
Patrick O'Leary |
James O'Reilly |
09-11 |
1 |
On the Aransas, joins J Tool |
Michael O'Reilly |
Francisco de la Peña |
Benjamin H. Perkins |
Edward Perry |
09-22 |
1 |
San Antonio River |
Juan Pobedando |
09-10 |
1 |
On the Aransas |
Jasper Pollan |
John Pollan |
10-30 |
1 |
On Aransas, joins Morris and Malcolm |
Calixto Portilla |
Roque Felipe Portilla |
10-23 |
1 |
Aransas |
Juan, Caliste, Francisco,
Encarnacion (sons of Roque Felipe Portilla) |
10-23 |
1 |
Aransas |
Felipe & José María Portilla |
10-23 |
1/4 |
Aransas |
Tomasa Portilla |
James Power |
09-05 |
1 |
Agua Sarca joins J Sinnot |
James and James Jr. Power |
10-20 |
1 |
Almeto, or Copano Creek, joins Hewetson |
Martin Power |
09-29 |
1 |
Saus Creek |
Bridget Quinn |
10-12 |
1 |
On Papalote Creek |
James Quinn |
John Quinn |
William and Patrick Quinn |
11-20 |
1/2 |
On Papalote Creek |
William Quinn |
11-22 |
1/4 |
On the Aransas, joins burk, Hart and the Germans |
William Quinn |
12-25 |
1 |
On Aquilla Creek, joins N with settlers on Papalote |
Edmund & Michael Quirk |
10-30 |
1 1/4 |
On Blanco Creek |
Thomas Quirk |
10-25 |
1/4 |
On Middle Creek, joins E Quirk, Michael Fox and O'Donnell |
Francisco Ramon |
10-20 |
1 |
On the Guadalupe River |
Michael Reilley |
09-10 |
1 |
San Antonio River |
Juan Reñer and son |
10-28 |
1 1/4 |
On Coleto Creek |
Ynez Reñer |
09-16 |
1 |
On the San Antonio, joins J Castro |
Anastacia Reojas |
09-01 |
1 |
On Mission River, below Refugio, joins Antonio Viña |
Anastacia Reyes |
James Reynolds |
11-30 |
1/4 |
On the Coleto Creek, joins Juan Reñer and others |
Florentino Rios |
07-28 |
1 |
On San Antonio River |
María Josefa Rios |
10-12 |
1 |
On the Arroyo Sarco |
Ann Roach |
Garrett Roach |
09-13 |
1 |
On the Aransas River, joins Wm Burk |
John Roach |
09-16 |
1/4 |
On the Aransas |
María and Ann Roach |
09-16 |
1 |
On Mission River, joins Thomas McMullen |
Green B. Robertson |
William Robertson |
07-24 |
1 |
San Antonio River |
Isaac Robinson |
11-20 |
1 |
On the Papalote, joins Banuelos, Holden, O'Bryan, Hart |
Leonardo Rodriguez & Desiderio Nira |
10-15 |
2 |
On the Guadalupe River |
Leonardo Rodriguez for sons
Francisco & José Marie Rodriguez |
12-04 |
1/2 |
San Antonio River, joins Valdez, Byrne and others |
Isabel Ryan |
John Ryan |
Lorenzo Ryan |
Edmund St. John |
09-03 |
1 |
On the Agua Sarca, E side |
James & William St. John |
09-29 |
1/2 |
On the Agua Sarca |
Miguel de los Santos |
12-20 |
1 |
On Middle Creek, joins Roach & Tool |
Pedro Villa Sarates |
George Sarates |
John Scott |
09-02 |
1 |
On the Agua Sarca, E side |
John Scott (2) |
Thomas Scott |
09-02 |
1/4 |
On the Agua Sarca, E side joins father, John Scott |
Lazaro Serna |
M.L. Serna |
Santiago Serna |
10-29 |
1 |
On Blanco Creek next to John Kelly |
Santiago Serna |
10-16 |
3 |
San Antonio River |
Santiago Serna for
Juan Flores & Miguel Menchaca |
10-20 |
2 |
San Antonio River joins Galban, McDonough,others |
Charles Shearn |
10-31 |
1 |
Sarca Creek, joins Dugan, Bray,Devereux |
John Shearn |
10-31 |
1/4 |
Sarca Creek joins Mrs. Rios |
John Shelly |
09-13 |
1 |
On the Agua Sarca, joins R.M. McGill |
Patrick Shelly |
09-13 |
1/4 |
On the Agua Sarca, S of John Shelly |
John M. Sherry for
son Joseph Lewis |
10-28 |
1/4 |
On Sarca Creek, joins Morris and Sarah Hall |
Anthony Sidick |
10-27 |
1 |
San Antonio River |
John Baptist Sidick |
10-28 |
1 |
San Antonio River |
John Sinnot |
07-06 |
1 |
On the Agua Sarca, joins Edmund St. John |
Charles Smith, James Walmsley,
John Smiley, Hy Winchester |
10-30 |
1 |
Sarca Creek |
Pedro Suarto |
William Sumner |
Peter Teal |
10-13 |
1 |
On the San Antonio River |
Michael Tobin |
Dominic Toole |
Elinor Toole |
James Toole |
Jeremiah Toole |
09-11 |
1 |
On the Aransas River |
John Toole |
11-24 |
1/4 |
On the Papalote, jons Bowin & Benjamin Dale |
Martin Toole |
Michael Toole |
Victoriano Torres & P. Villareal |
11-26 |
2 |
On the Potrero of Ramirena Lake, joins Hart, empresario
lands, Julian de la Garza |
Edward Townsend |
Josefa María Traviezo |
10-08 |
1 |
On the Guadalupe, joins José María Valdez |
T. Vairin & Augustin L. Fernet |
10-29 |
1 |
On the Guadalupe River, joins NE with Fernet |
José Antonio Valdez |
José María Valdez |
10-08 |
1 1/4 |
Between the San Antonio and Guadalupe Rivers |
Pedro Valdez |
José Vidaurri |
Pedro Villa |
10-14 |
1 |
On Sarca Creek, joins NW with C Brush |
Serates Villa |
10-14 |
1/4 |
On Sarca Creek, joins S with C Morris |
Sacarias Villareal |
11-26 |
1/4 |
On the Nueces River |
Antonio de la Viña |
09-09 |
1 |
On Mission River, below Refugio |
John Walmsley |
Elliott Ward |
09-14 |
1 |
On the Agua Sarca |
Ira Westover |
09-22 |
1 |
On the San Antonio River |
Williams |
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