He settled himself in the saddle, bent forward, got the briddle, divested it of the mexquete limb and about this time he heard one of his persuers hollow and say, "Stop, Miller, and give up and you shant be hurt!" He thought the voyce was familer and on turning he saw Antonio Periz, the traitor, and one other in close persuit. They evedent[ly] had no fire armes or they could have shot him twenty times [b]ut they depended on takeing him alive by outruning him. When they saw him change horses they thought it a dowtful case but redoubling their efforts after hollowing, they seem[ed to g]ain on him. He said it was licket a brindle [for awhile and the] race seemed doubtful until I imageon he took in the situation at a glance and gave his horse his spurs and carried him a few [more] yards, shook him loose and he just touched a few of the [high] places that hapened to be in the next two miles and [whe]n his horse began to ran leavel again, he ventured to I[oo]k back again but saw nothing of his persuers and stoped [to let] his horse blow a few seconds. He traveled all that night and mad it to Seguin next morning bareheaded, in his shirt sleaves, and in the race he had lost one of his boots. He told his story saying, "We dont know the fate of Caldwell and his men. They may all have shared the fate of Dawson and his men." Thare was one other man, Gonzalvo Woods, mad his escape home to the Colorado Valley but the perticulars of which I never learned from himself so I shal not attempt to give them. Dawson lost 32 killed, 15 taken prisners and 2 mad their escape. After this terrable masacree the Mexicans mad another attact on our position with all their forces with threats and promaces but with about the same result except our men in this last charg had become more carless and dareing and 4 or 5 more received wounds. The second and last desperate charge they mad they wounded two more men but lost so many men, as our men had become so bold they crawled up on top of the bank and received the two last charges, that the officers could not make, hire nor perswaid them to make another charge. [T]hey made several unsuccessful attempts and finely gave it up, drew off, and held a consultation and then sent in a flag of trace, asked leave to remove their dead and [w]ounded off the field which was granted, and an armistes [was] a[g]reed upon that hostiltes should scease until six oc[lock in the even]ing. The squeeking nois of the wooden wheels of [carts comme]nced. It was reported afterwords by the citizens [missing section].....cart loads of wounded and lodged thim in the hospit[al] and thare was 12 or 15 wounded left on the field. They did not remove [any o]f their dead nor was they ever removed or burryed. The sun was [gone] behind the western horizen when the armistes was agreede upon. Several of the boys whose horses had been broken loose by the falling limbs cut from the timber by the cannon balls that morning now went in serch of their horses. William Hesskew, Calvin Turner and John R. King soon found their horses and came back, leaveing Steven Jett and Simon Cockrel still in serch of theirs. It seems that when Córdova was killed and his Indian allies was defeated by the guard that the Indians ran off down the creek carrying with them several wounded, som of which died whare they halted and set up such a howl. They afterword sculked around down thare in the timber until hostilities had sceased and the boys went in serch of their horses, discovered them and gave chase. Jett being the farthest down the creek they soon overtaken, kilt and scelped him. Several of them chased Cockrel so close and shooting him in the shoulder with a ball and two arrows, he had to take refuge by jumping in the creek whare it was very deep but crawled under a shelving bank where he could keep his nose out of the water and hid. The Indians he said stood on the bank over his head for several minuts watching for him to rise from the bottom of the creeke but gave it up and left. When the nois of their receding footsteps died away in the distance he emurged from his hideing place and mad his way to camp. We had not yet learned the cause of the withdrawel of the Mexican cavelry and the heavy cannonading on the flat that evening and thare was vairious congectures concerning it. Som said it was a rouse to draw us out of our position, others said they undoubtly was fighting a conciderable company of recruits that was trying to gain [Ca]ldwells position. That was also my own opinion, and we was anxious to learn the truth [about] the squeeking nois of the carts. I placed out the guards and was sitting by the fire studdying over the events of the day when Henry McCulloch, Clem Hinds and Eli Hankens rode up to the [fire] members of Hays spy company. McCulloch says, "Jim, you leave the guard long enough to ride around with us while the guard is already stationed. We want you to pa[ss] us through and back." "All right," says I, and turned to Cal[vin Tur]ner saying, "Take charge of the guard, Cal, until I return." [H]e says, "All right, Jim, go ahead." I saddled my horse, and we set out rideing to Wolls position. We discovered 15 or 20 dead Mexicans who had been carried thare wounded. Rideing on in the flat we come to Dawsons battle ground and the dead boddies almost in piles and could now realize the whole affaire. It was dark and we could not recognze any of the faces of the slain.
As soon as daylight appeared thare could be seen groops of men out examinin[g] the battle ground and amonghst the rest was old Zekel Smith, our hero of Plum Creek. He found a wounded Mexi[can] who had been shot in the mouth. The ball knocked out thr[ee] of his upper teeth and the same of his lower teeth and coming [out] on one side of his neckbone. The Mexican jabbered something to Smith and pointing to his mouth. The old man, not understanding him, taken him by one foot and ran near a hundred yards to the bank draging him over bushes, rocks and prick[1y] pares and turned him heels over head down the bluff, upset coffee pots, frying pans and lodging him in the fire but the man that was kooking his breakfast at the fire draged hi[m] out and talked strong of rideing the old man but was prevented. The old man went round to another place and came down saying, "French, I braught you a pet, do you [want] him." French says, "Father, you aught to be ashamed of yourself, treateing a human being in such a way." The old man says, "He aint no human, he's a Mexican." They sent [for] me. I talked with the wounded Mexican awhile. He said [he] was forsed to fight but he was shore he would never figh[t] Americans again. I gave him some coffee, he drank it and [asked for] a shuck and toback, mad a cigaret and smoket it. [I saw] him in San Antonio three years after and he knew me and said, "O, mucho, amego, good friend." He said I saved his life. The Mexicans lost in this fight 96 kilt dead on the ground and 16 wounded left on the ground. The Mexican citizens at San Antonio said thare was a hundred and twenty one braught in thare and of which twenty seven died of their wounds. After breakfast Caldwell called the men togeather in consultation and it was decided to follow Woll and finish cooking his goose and was makeing arangments to leave som men to bury the dead and take care of the wounded when Captain Jesse Billingsly rode into camp with 16 companions. After hearing the whole story concerning the battle and Dawsons massecree, he volenteered his servises and that of his men to stay and bury the dead and convey the wounded back to Seguin as Dawson and all his men ware his neighbors and we amediately set out in pursuit of Woll. Billingsly sent to San Antonio and precured tools and all nessaries for burrying the dead and conveyance for all the wounded except Callaghan. He had to be conveyed on a litter. He also procured medical aid for the wounded. We expected to find Woll forted up in town but when we arived at that place Woll had scedadled, got farther and faster leaveing in disgust, and the most of the Mexican citizens had joined Woll in the fight and was afraid to stay and with Wolls consent and assistance they robed and pillaged the town. They too had left. We learned this and renewed our energies in persuit. We soon saw by the goods and chattles scattered along the way with broaken carts that it had been a perfect flight or hurrying time. This was done by the greedy citizens, in their love of gain they had stolen more than they cou[ld ca]rry off. We marched on to the Madena [Medina River] and halted to refresh o[ur sel]ves and hungry horses that had not had a bite sence leaving Cibola two days and a half and two nights. While here resting [C]ol John H. Moor, Major Fields and Col. Mayfield arived with [a]bout 600 men. They halted also and commenced the same old game of wranggleing to see who should take command. They out [ta]lked Caldwell and out voted his men and gave the command [to] Col. Moor. I did not like the procedeings and told Caldwell as a goodly nomber of Caldwells men turned back from here and when we resumed our march I joined Hays Spy Company. We over [ta]ken som families and learned from them that Woll was not [o]ver five miles a head of us, and Moor sent Hays on to scirmish with the enemy and hold them in check until the main force [co]uld come up, and about one hour by sun that evening we hove [in] sight of them som half mile a head of us, and Hays sent a runner back to Moor to double quick to his assistance. We mad a charge on their rear and found them badly scattered crossing the Hondo Creek. Their artilrey was in the rear and in this charge we captured four pieces of their cannon, two morters and two nine pounders, but we could not use them as they ware all empty and the amanition wagon was a head and we had not captured it. The rear guard, about 200 men, turned on us and a desprate fight insued. We faught them back and held the 4 pieces of cannon till they gave way and retreeted back to the creek when they were reinforst by the whole cavelry commanded by Seguin. They charged again, we still faught and beat them back again but they rallyed and mad a furious charge. Seeing we was so out nombered and Moor not in sight, we gave them ground and they retaken the cannon. But we had held the cannon three quarters of an hour ag[ainst] such odds expecting every moment Col. Moor to arive with [the] main force. We drew off, having two men dangerously wounded, one man Arch Gipson shot in the eye bone glancing across his nose and Elonzo Perry, better known among old Texians as Cattles Perry, badly wounded in the bowels. The Mexcan loss was 33 dead and 13 wounded not taken off the battle ground and it was reported by Col. Andrew Neill, one of the lawyers taken at San Antonio and released at Monterey by claiming protection under the Inglish government and as not being taken under arms was released, that thare was over forty wounded, several of which died on the retreat or it more resembled a flight than a retreat.
Clem Hinds who had been out with Henry and had still continued with him in the serch for the wounded, heard their pitaful moans and cries for water, geathered up about a half dozen canteens and saying, "I will go if I git shot in the attenit!" He was not gone long before he returned with watter, setting the canteens down by the wounded men, went to his mess fire to eat his supper. The Mexican fires war burning brightly, but thare was no nois. About two hours after dark the ever watchful Hays thaught the nois in the Mexican camp had hushed too soon and says, "Boys, that is something rotten in Denmark. That camp over thare is as still as death. Who will go with me to see whats in the wind." Thare was about twe[nty] voices saying, "I'll go!" Said he, "Dont all speak at once. I only want two men to go with me, more than that [wo]uld be dangerous." "Well, then," said one, "you will have to [ch]oose for yourself." Then sed he, "I will take Ice Jones and Jim Nichols." We armed ourselves and set out. We crawle[d] cautiously through the brush in the bottom across the creek and keeped a good lookout for Mexican sentenels but saw none. We crawled up so we could see the fires and waited sometime, could see no one stiring. We examined all the fires and saw thare had been no cooking done. We knew then that it was a roose to detain us until they would git away. Col. Neill said the way they traveled, Woll and his suit in front in a four horse ambulanch stolen out of the livery stable at San Antonio with a negro driver. Behind him was a file of soldiers, behind them ware the prisners---the judg, five lawyers, twenty fore jurymen and eight citizens and fiteen of Dawsons men---53 in all. Then came the infantry, behind them the cavelry, behind them the artilrey to bring up the rear. We went back and reported the Mexicans gone. It created conciderable excitement, some cursing Moor in his hearing. Others would hollow out, "Form in the hollow with bullets in your mouths," and all such taunts. It certainly is true that if Moor had of double quicked, as Hays turmed it, we could totaly demolished Wolls army and probbly not one would have mad his escape to tell the story, but instid thare of, he rode proudly and tryumphantly off with his 53 prisners. Or, had we not come in contact with Moor and his six hundred men, we could have, useing Caldwells fraze, "coo[ked] Wolls goose." Thare was but one thing that the writer blamed Caldwell with, that was in submiting himself and men to the command of Moor. He could have retained the command of his men as an independent company as did Hays. Caldwells men, all but two, Ewing Cameron and Zeke Smith, decided not to follow Woll any farther as our horses was so jaded and hungry and ourselves wourn out. Next morning Caldwells outfit saddled up and set out. On our return, the two wounded men [were] in a Mexican cart drawn by a yoak of oxen which outfit had been abandoned by the Mexican citizens in their flight, with the cart bed filled half full of our blankets to make a soft bed for the wounded. We had mad but one days travel and camped on the Madena when Genl Summerville arived from Austin with one thousand men and a regular outfit of baggage, wagons, provision, etc. He said his orders was to follow Woll to the Reo Granda but not to cross. A little explaination here might not be amiss. At the alarming news of the invadeing army when Woll entered and captured San Antonio, which flew like the wind and, of corce, reached Austin without delay, General Summerville, then General in Chief of the Malitia, was ordered to raise one thousand men and repair to San Antonio to repel the invesion. The General sent out recruiting officer to beat up for volenteers but could not raise the required nomber. The Governor then ordered a draft on the malitia and while the officers ware prepairing their men and outfit for a three months campain, Caldwell with a handfull of men met and defeated the enemy and sent him on the run back home. And now after Woll was nearing the Reo Granda this a[rmy] was ready and on the march. Wolls army was not intended as an invadeing army as reported but only to prevent the action of the court. Had the Mexican government sent an invadeing army suficient to have invaded even a potion of Texas and we had to wait the moovements at Austin, Caldwells men might have had the honor of defending the country or might have shared the fate of Fannin, Travis and Dawson and mad Thermopylae out of San Antonio. After Caldwell examined Summervilles outfit he laughed and said, "As to the good you can do, you had as well turn back for you will never overtake Woll this side of the Reo Granda." Summervill invited us all to join him. Two of our men joined the expadition, Ewing Cammem and Old Ezekel Smith. Evedently Cammeron and Smith had their plans metured before they started and that was to fillabuster on the other side. We will now follow Summerville. He taken the trail that Woll made and folled it to the Reo Granda, but when he arived thare he was informed that Woll had crossed over five days before. Summerville hung around thare som weeks trying to learn wheather or not the government intended sending another army into Texas but could learn nothing reliable and mooved down and down until he arived at Rancho Davis. All this time Cammeron and Smith ware bussy at workeing on the minds of the soldiers. Summerville began to talk about returning. Cammeron thought now was his chance and tried to persuade the Gen'l to cross over with the whole force but to no efect, he then told the gen'l that he and a part of the men was going over anyway so Summerville mustered his command one morning and read his orders from the govmme[nt] stateing that it was his intention to set out on his return. The next morning while the men was in line Cammeron made them a gloing speech stateing to them how easy it would be to make a fortune in a few days and that it would only be retaliating as the Mexicans had done the very same thing which as they all knew, that they ware then on a campaign following Woll who had sacked San Antonio. He then called for volenteers to go accross with him. There was one or two entire companies and from ten to sixty from the other companies joined him. That was the starting point for the Mier prisners. Old Uncle Zeke drew a white bean and lived to return home. Cammeron drew a white bean and they said it was not fare and he drew another white bean but they shot him any way. That expedition has been detailed by fare mor able pens than mine so I will not attempt it. Summervill returned with all his men that would obey orders and was disbanded at Austin. Caldwell returned to Seguin and turned his men loos and every one went his way but for months a person could hardly hear anything else talked about but incidences in the battle of Salado and from the very outset intelligent men and close observers would differ in their statements about the same occurance but it has ever been so in all ages, but espelly so of those who has writen on these subjects years afterwords. They have so perverted the facts and writen so many abserdities that I hav been constrained to write this little book in self defence, not from memory alone but from notes taken at the time and place. For instance, one writer in narating some incidences in this battle Salado says one in m[an] Creede Tailor while in camp here, leaveing the impresion that we had been in camp for a week or more, when we arived thare just about sundown and the enemy opened fire on us at sun up next morning, went down to the creek to w[ash] out his shirt and not having a chang in camp had to wait for it to dry. While doing so assended a pecan tree for the purpose of filling his pockets with pecans, quite early for pecans to be opening, and while thare was fired on from camp. He amediately decended and went to camp and demanded an explaintion. He was told that som Irish recruits who had just arived from Goliad had taken him for a Mexican spying out the camp and comenced this fucilade. Now the truth is thare was no recruts from Goliad ever arived. Creede Tailor was wounded early in this fight but recovered and still lives now on the head of Little Devils River and can be seen or writen to and will willingly answer all questions put to him concerning this fight. Again, the same writer says Calvin Turner received a glancing shot in the head and fell. His brother William who was near, vainly trying to force a tiet ball down his gun, droped it, ran to him and assisted him to his feete and he soon recovered. Now I will be compeled to reveil something that never would have been made public had not this statement been mad. I will state again that I was sergent of the guard and had charge and command of the guarde. Calvin and Bill was both on guard that day and we was stationed at and above the mouth of the lower ravine which Córdova was sent down and when Córdova and his band was discovered I ordered a charge and the men charged heroicly and a desprate fight insued. They was repeled but soon rallyed and come again, and again they give back and undertook to scale over the bank, but we met them and repulsed them again. In this charge Córdova was kiled and his Boluxie Indians would rally no more. Calvin Turner was wounded in the first charge. I was by his side and he neither fell nor flinched from his gallient fighting. Cal was a brave man. When we saw that the Indians would rally no more we all returned to our position but still kept a close look out for the Indians to attact us again. When all had settled down again and all reloaded, Calvin ses to me, "I wonder whare Brother Bill is. I haven't seen him since you first ordered a charge." I says, "I have not seen him neither. He may be kilt or wounded som whare!" Cal says, "Lets git some water, I am auful thirsty and then I will look him up." We started down to the creek and found Bill couched down behind a large pecan tree. Cal says, "Bill, are you wounded." He says, "No!" and whined out in a half cry, "I got my gun choaked and I dident think it worth while for me to stand out thare and be shot at when I couldent shoot back." Cal taken his gun, pushed the ball down, handed it to him, and told him to take it and go to fighting like a man. But the next charge the Mexicans made, Billy was no whare to be seen. Now, reader, you might think the reason I write this is that Bill is dead and Cal is still liveing but to the reverse. Calvin died in 1862 and Bill is still liveing or was a few months ago. He lives near old Camp San Saba. After Miller entered Seguin next morning after the battle and told his story and could give no account of the fate of Caldwell and his men, John and Milford decided to mount their horses and set out amediately for the scene of action and haveing a lot of cooked beef on hand and thinking the most of the soldiers had past and heard the fireing of the cannon distinctly the day before from the time the sun rose, felt some uneasyness as to their fate. They mounted their horses and set out but on nearing the battle ground met Captain Billingsly and his men with the wounded soldiers. Learning the pertictulars of the battle and that Caldwell was in pursuit of Woll, the boys turned back to assist them in forwarding the wounded. When they arived the wounded ware all taken to Johns house except one Callaghan. He wanted to be alone. He was carried to an emty house and cared for until he died which was in a few days after his arivel. John and his wife acted the good Semeritan in ministering to the wants of the wounded in washing cloths and bandages, dressing wounds and prepareing something for them to eat. Thare was seven of them and it kept them buisy. Of course, they had help from others in the town but it kept all hands buisy and they slept none that night from the moans and groans and raveing of the sufferers. In a few days four of them was carried by their friend and relatives to their homes, Jesse Zumalt, John Law, Creed Tailor and Sol Simononds. Cockrel and Davis remained sometime longer but they all recovered. In a few days John and his wife willingly submited to a repetition of the same kind of trouble. Our two men wounded at the Hondo fight, Gipson and Perry, was taken thare but Gipson remained but a short time as his brother Jim was with him and soon Arch was able to be carried home but Perry remain[ed] several weeks but both recovered. Now let me stop right here and say that this old vetran lady is still living but destitute of any means of makeing a living and through age and infirmity has had to throw herself on the charity of her friends and relatives for suport and let me say again that is a burneing shame upon our legislatures to neglect to provide for the suport of such heroic women who has given themselves out in the servis of their country. It was such that helped to cut the brush and blaze the way and smooth down the rough places in the path where civilization was marching stedily on. I say, give them a pension suficient for their suport and settle their sorrows and brighten their furrowed cheeks and make them forget their cares in their declining years. Thare are many women who is less deserving and who is young and vogrous but is playing second fiddle to som old vetren gentlemen and injoying his pension. Now I say again, pension these old widowes who has no means of suport except through their friends and relatives. Now if I was writeing a history of all battles in Texas I should give a morre detailed account of battles in which many heroic deeds of valor and wharein many brave and good men and officers ware engag such as Ed Burleson, Mayfield, Summerville, Houston, Rusk, Ford, Fields, Baylor, Bowie, Tumbleston, Grumlles, Hysmith, Byrd, Fryer, Moor and others too tedious to mention of lesser lights, but not haveing served under or with but few of them I shal leave them out. I cannot write them all up in as small a work as I contemplate writeing though as Ed Burleson and my father was raised togeather from boyhood and was always fast friends I will relate one circumstance. Father loved his dram and sometimes he would git woozy. On one occaision of this kind when Father had about two sheets in the wind and another fluttering, a stranger to Father steped up to him and says, "Mister, what might you name be." Father says, "It might be John Tyler, John Smith or John Jones but it aint either. Sir, my name is rugged and tough and if thats not enough I could give you the rest but it might be too rough, for hear," showing his left fist, "is the mallet of death hung on the crank of independance." The man turned of. Ed Burleson had been nominated for the legeslature and being a large croud presant they are discusing the merits and demerites of the candidates when a man, Henry Smith, staggered up to Father and says, "Uncle Rugged, who are you going to vote for." Father says, "I am going to vote for Ed Burleson if I am able to git to the poles." Smith hung down his head and repeated, "Ed Burleson, a common bear hunter. Why" turning up his eyes to Father, "he had not got sence enough to set a goose in a hay mound." Just as he said "mound" Father turned the crank and away flew the mallet. O, reader, about ten steps from thare would have been seen a man gitting up holding in both hands a broaken jawbone. He was just in the right fix to use gruel for the next five or six weeks. Smith went to hunt a doctor and Father went on with his drinking. After my return from the Woll campaign everything seemed quiet. The Indian raids was few and fare between and thare being no raingeing companies nor none neaded and on such ocaisions I would run my wagon so I hitched my team and set out for Port Lavaca. At Gonzales I taken on a load of hides, and the third day out late in the evening I looked ahead of me and thought I saw a women a foot but she was soon hid from my sight by a bend in the road and I saw her no mor. I was aimeing for a creek ahead of me to pitch my camp, and I arived at the creek, watered my team, filed my bag and drove out to the edge of the prairie, and thare I noticed a woman sitting by the root of a tree. I pulled out on the other side of the road, stoped, turned out my team, carried up som wood, started a fire and taken my grub box out and was going to prepare supper and had not noticed the woman come up to me until she spoke saying, "I will git supper for you if you are willing." When she spoke I knew her voice. I says, "In the name of big Peter, what are you doing here." She ses, "I have left my old man and am going back to my people." I knew whare her people lived and it was a long trip she had started. She had nothing but an old fashened bandanner silk handkerchief tied up full of her best cloaths. After supper I asked her several questions as to how she expect to pay her way over the Gulf, etc. and she said she was going to work her pasage over. She traveled with me the rest of the way down. When we arived thare was a scooner ready to sail. She bid me fairwell, thanking me for my kindness, and entered the boat, and I loaded my wagon and started out. It was then near sundown, and I was near two miles on my way but had about three mor to make to git water and grass. I looked back and saw her comeing in a trot and she waved her bundle and I stoped, thinking maybe she has forgoten something. She came up and said the captain would not take her in to worke her passage. "And now," said she, "I want to go back home with you." I taken her back home and her and her husband lived togeather untill they raised a large family of children and he died. I withhold her name as she is still liveing and respected. The Republic-Index
| Battle of Salado |