Generally, large mammals (such as cows) represent the elements most commonly butchered in AII. This differs from Phase I units in which goat and
goat-size animal (such as deer) elements were represented in numbers approximately equal to the larger animals.

Unit EII

Despite being slightly larger than Unit AII, EII produced 36 percent of the Phase II faunal recovery (n= 170). Of this, 25 percent (n=42) exhibit
butcher marks. Though similar to AII in several respects, EII differs significantly in the absence of birds (including domestic birds) and of several
mammals. Some unidentified bird bone fragments were present in the collection, though none assignable to anything more specific than "bird." Every
other Phase I and II unit had chicken remains, and all but D and E of Phase I had turkey remains. Pig and white-tail deer bones are also absent from
EII and E.

One major similarity to AII was the presence of an alligator, two turtles, and at least one snake. The painted turtle (Chrysemys sp.) and water snake
(Natrix sp.) are both locally abundant today around streams and ponds. That the snake was used as food is conjectural, but entirely possible.
Alligators, as mentioned for AII, could have ranged as far as Bexar County in the past. They are a good supply of tasty meat, primarily in their tails,
and their hides provide a high quality skin for tanning.

Three domestic species were identified in EII, the fewest number in either phase with the exception of E. Goat, cow, and dog remains were found in
the collection. As in AII, wild genera are more numerous than domestic. Including the previously listed reptiles, catfish and antelope remains complete
the identified remains from EII. The presence of antelope in the collection is not unexpected, as it once ranged onto the Texas Coastal Plain.

Within EII, several areas of particular interest were excavated. Area EII (2-6 inches) concentrated on an area east of the Army ditch. This area yielded
54 bones and bone fragments, 32 percent of the total recovery in EII. Of this total, 27 percent (n= 15) exhibit signs of butchering. Within the unit,
butchered cow bones appear to represent a single animal after butchering. Butchered remains of two smaller animals were also found in the unit with
turtle and catfish remains. Area EII-D-1/EII-D-2 contained only one antelope bone along with the remains of a soft-shell turtle, a water snake, a
catfish, a cow, and an unidentified rodent. The lone alligator occurred in EII, Lot 24. Catfish remains, found in all other Phase I and II units, were
found throughout EII. Pectoral spines from these fish match in size to comparative specimens weighing in excess of 10 lbs.

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