Thanks are due to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas (DRT) for initiating and expediting these excavations. We are also grateful for the generous cooperation of Charles Long, Kevin R. Young, and John Leal as well as the staff of the DRT Library on the Alamo grounds for help in background research. Dr. David Glassman of Southwest Texas State University and Dr. D. Gentry Steele of Texas A&M University kindly donated their considerable skills and knowledge in assessment of the human skull recovered. Thanks also go to Sam Nesmith for analyzing the gun parts and related objects.Members of the excavation crew included Augustine Frkuska, Lois Flynn, Kathy Gonzalez, James Ivey, Herbert Uecker, and Shirley Van der Veer. Robert F. Scott IV did the faunal analysis, and Marcie Renner edited the report for publication.