SONS OF DEWITT COLONY TEXAS Archives: Father Miguel Hidalgo The Degradation of Hidalgo 27 July 1811. Degradación de Hidalgo. En la villa de Chihuahua á los días 27 del mes de julio de 1811. Estando juntos y congregados á los ocho y media de la mañana en la casa morada de don Francisco Fernández Valentín, canánigo doctoral de la iglesia de Durango, el referido señor con los asociados doctor don Mateo Sánchez Alvarez, el reverendo padre fray José Tamayo y don Juan Francisco García, después de haberse leido por mi el presente notario la superior comisión del Ilmo. Señor doctor don Francisco Gabriel de Olivares de 18 del corriente, y habiendo aceptado todos, ofreciendo desempeñarla cada uno en la parte que le toca bien y cumplidamente, segun su leal saber y entender, á lo que se obligaron en debida forma, y conforme á derecho, se pasó á leer acto continuo el proceso criminal formal por la jurisdicción real y eclesiásticas unidas, al Br. don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, cura de la congregación de los Dolores, en el obispado de Michoacán, y concluida su lectura por me el notario se conferenciá largamente sobre su contendio haciendo cada uno las reflexiones que estimó oportuno y considerando todos que la causa estaba suficientemente examinada, el juez comisionado de unánime acuerdo y consentimiento de sus asociados, pronunció la sentencia sigiente: En el nombre de Dios Omnipotente, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, yo don Francisco Fernández Valentin, canánigo doctoral de la Santa Iglesia Catedral de Durango y comisionado por mi prelado el Ilustrisimo señor doctor don Francisco Gabriel de Olivares, del Consejo de Su Majestad Catálica habiendo conocido juntamente con el señor comandante general de las provincias internas de Nueva España, brigadier de los reales ejércitos, don Nemecio Salcedo, la causa criminal formada de oficio al Br. don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, cura de la congregación de Dolores, en el obispado de Michoacán, cabeza principal de la insurrección que comenzá en el sobredicho pueblo el día 16 de Septiembre del año próximo pasado, causando un trastorno general en todo este reino, á que se siguieron innumerables muertes, robos, rapiñas, sacrilegios, persecuciones, la cesación y entorpecimiento de la agricultura, comercio, minería, industria y todas las artes y oficios con infinitos males contra Dios, contra el Rey, contra la Patria, y contra los particulares y hallando al mencionado don Miguel Hidalgo evidentemente convicto y confeso de haber sido el autor de tal insurrección y consiguientemente causa de todos los daños y perjuicios sin número que ha traido consigo [.....] resultando además reo convicto y confeso de varios deleitos como son entre otros, las muertes alevosas que en hombres inocentes, mandó ejecutar en las ciudades de Valladolid y Guadalajara, cuyo número pasa de cuatrocientos, inclusos en ellas las de varios eclesiásticos estando á su confesión y á muchísimos mís según declaran otros testigos: dando orden á uno de sus comisionados para la rebelión de dar muerte en los propios términos á todos los europeos que de cualquier modo se opusieran á sus ideas revolucionarias, como acredita el documento original que el reo tiene reconocido y confesado: haber usurpado regalías, derechos y tesoros de Su Majestad divina, y despreciando las excomunicaciones de su obispo y del Santo Tribunal de la Inquisición, por medio de papeles impresos injuriosos, cuyos crímenes son de grandes, dañables, perjudiciales y enormes y en alto grado atroces, que en ellos resulta no solamente ofendida gravísmamente la Majestad divina, sino trastornado todo el orden social, conmovidas muchas ciudades y pueblos con esc´ndolo y detrimento universal de la Iglesia y de la nación, haciendose por lo mismo indigno de todo beneficio y oficio eclesiático. sdct Por tanto, y teniendo presente que orden expresa haber visto S.S.I. esta causa, y en atención á lo que se me ordena con autoridad de Dios Omnipotente, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, y en virtud de la facultad que por absoluta imposibilidad de ejecutar esta degradación por si mismo me ha conferido el Ilmo. Sr. Diosesano, privo para siempre, por esta sentencia definitiva al mencionado Miguel Hidalgo, de todos los beneficios y oficios eclesiásticos que obtiene deponiéndolo, como lo depongo, por la presente de todos ellos y declaro asi mismo, que en virtud de esta sentencia debe procederse á la degradación actual y real, con entero arreglo á lo que disponen los sagrados cánones, y conforme á la prática y solemnidades que para iguales casos prescribe el Pontifical Romano, Asi lo pronunciá, mandó y firmó el juez comisionado en unión de sus asociados por ante me, de que doy fé. Francisco Fernández Valentín, Jose Mateo Sánchez Álvarez, Fr. José Tarraga, Guardi´n. Juan Franciso García. Ante mi fray José María Rojas. From Hernández y Dávalos, J.E. Colección de Documentos para la Historia de La Guerra de Independencia de Mexico, de 1808-1821, Tomo I. Pagina 56. Degradation of Hidalgo. In the village of Chihuahua, being the 27th day of the month of June, in 1811, Gathered together [in solemn manner] at 8:30 am, in the brown home of Don Francisco Fernandez Valentin, Doctor of Canon Law of the church of Durango, along with the aforementioned were also associates Doctor Don Mateo Sanchez Alvarez, the Reverend Friar Jose Tamay and Don Juan Francisco Garcio, after having read myself the notary document [submitted by] the High Commission of the Most Distinguished Mr. Doctor Don Francisco Gabriel of Olivares, dated the 18th of the same month, and all having accepted [to hear the case] offered to carry forth each one his duties in rightful and modest manner, accordingly each one to his loyal understanding and knowledge, to do what must be done accordingly to law, the ongoing [case] pact was read to all regarding the formal criminal process brought by the royal jurisdiction as well as the united churchmen, [the case of] our Br. Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, priest from Dolores, in the diocese of Michoacán, and having concluded the reading of the notary document, conferred at great length in regards to the content, and making each one his own reflections as he deemed needful, considering all that the causes needed to be sufficiently examined, [carefully] the commissioned panel of judges were of unanimous agreement and feelings pronounced the following sentence. In the Name of the God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I, don Francisco Fernandez Valentin, Doctor of Canon Law of the Holy Church of the Cathedral of Durango, and commissioned by my Prelate, the Most Distinguished Lord, Doctor, Don Fransico Gabriel de Olivares, of His Counsel, of His Catholic's Majesty having been known [by all] and together with the commander general of the internal provinces of New Spain with the Lord Brigadier of the Royal Armies, Don Nemecio Salcedo, the criminal cause [nature] that has been brought in legal documents against Br. don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, priest of the congregation of Dolores, in the Diocese of Michoacan, chief and head of the revolutionaries, [insurrectionists] that began their sedition in said village on the 16th of September of the year before last, causing general disorder in the kingdom, and many of those who followed him were brought to death, [because they were] robbing, sacking homes, showing disrespect, persecutions, the ceasing at times and the slowing down of agricultural work, businesses [were affected] mining, industry and all of the arts and crafts suffered untold evils against God, against the King, against the Country, and many such individuals, now finding the aforementioned don Miguel Hidalgo obviously a convict and confessing himself as being the author of this insurrection, y subsequently the one who has caused damages and harm that he has brought upon himself. The result of which he is now a prisoner confined, and confesses to various crimes of which some of them are deaths uncalled for, innocent men, were ordered to be executed in the cities of Valladolid [Morelia] and Guadalajara, the number of those passes beyond 400, including among the number are church leaders practicing their profession, and many, many others according to witnesses: giving orders to his commissioned officers of his rebellion to put to death on their own terms, all Europeans no matter who, those who opposed his ideas of revolution, as the original document states, and the prisoner himself confessed and recognizes the same: having usurped magistrates garments, rights and treasures of His Divine Majesty, and despising the excomunications that his bishop made and that of The Holy Tribunal of The Inquisition, by means of printing documents that are damaging [railing curses to leaders]. whose crimes all are great, damaging, enormous and bring jeopardy upon all, and above all atrocious, that in these printings does he not only offend horribly His Divine Majesty, buy he stirs up social disorder, much unrest in cities, and places with scandal and universal detriment to the Church, and the nation, making he himself unworthy of any benefit of the churches office. For this cause, and having present, and having seen, the express order of His Holiness Innocent, this cause and giving attention to those that have ordained me with the authority of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and in virtue of the faculty that it would be virtually impossible to execute this degradation alone, the Distinguished Diosecan deprived forever for this sentence passed upon Miguel Hidalgo, of all benefits and ecclesiastical honors, and now obtains his deposing, and I do depose, by those here present, and hereby declare, that in virtue of this sentence he proceeds to royal and actual degradation, with full decor the Sacred Canones dispose and carry out this solemn practice that all such cases [suffer] as has been prescribed by the Pontiff of Rome. Be it therefore pronounced, ordered and signed, the commissioned judge in union with his associates before me, and I give faith. Francisco Fernandez Valentin, Jose Mateo Sanchez Alvarez, Fr. Jose Tarrage, Keeper. Juan Francisco Garcia. Before me Friar Jose Maria Rojas. sdct Copy of document in the Spanish and translation provided by Tim Rovenstine SONS OF DEWITT COLONY TEXAS |