SONS OF DEWITT COLONY TEXAS Country star Neal McCoy's a real McGaughey! The McGaughey Family Ireland/Scotland to Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama and Texas According to author Polly McGaughey Sutton, the surname McGaughey can be traced to the 4th or 5th century to the family name MacGeoghan (also Mac Eoghain or Mac Geoghagan). The name was founded by Eachagan, son of Fiacha, who was the fifth son of Niall, son of Eochy, who occupied Ulster as an inheritance. He belonged to Clan Colman. Mag Eacaio is a variant in Gaelic. The Gaelic stem and different spellings worldwide has given rise to McGaughey (pronounced "MaGoy"), MacGahey, MacGahy, MacGaughy, MacGaggy, MacGaughie, Gahey, Gaffey, Gaughy, and variations with Mc substituted for Mac. The story of William Penn's establishment of the "Manor of Masque" is found in a History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, published in 1876. This grandson of the first William Penn had purchased all land lying west of the Lower Susquehanna in 1736 from the Indians and had reserved as an estate for himself and family 30,000 acres lying on the banks of Marsh Creek and its branches, which he attempted to survey in 1739. Settlers had been attracted by the rich and beautiful country with its gently rolling hills, and had already located in this region. The first settler in Lancaster County (now Adams County) seems to have been Andrew Schrieber in 1734, who lived under his wagon until three acres of land were cleared and the log cabin built. Dense forests were all about him and Indians surrounded his clearing in every direction. He was soon followed by other men with the same spirit of adventure and daring. "Lowly obscure men of the wilderness" who came, victims of persecution for conscience's sake in older lands, hoping here to find fullness of life and liberty. These settlers resented and obstructed Penn's survey, which was not completed until 1764 when Penn's grandson, together with the grandson of Cecil Calvert (Lord Baltimore) carried through the so-called Mason-Dixon line from the names of their surveyors. This line, which is the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, was marked by stones placed five miles apart, having Penn' name on one side of each stone, on the other that of Baltimore. These stones, prepared in England, cost Penn 34,300 pounds. The famous Carrol's tract, known as Carrol's Delight, is just a few miles across the border in Maryland. The boundary settlement gave to Penn 43,500 acres, but out of this, grants were made in 1765 to 71 settlers and the dates of their settlement entered on their warrants. A paper published in 1876 gave the record of the surveyors' notes, with both the names of those receiving grants in 1765 and others recorded later in 1775. Among these 71 names are the following: James McGaughey, settled April, 1740; John McGaughey, settled April, 1741; Robert and David Grier McPherson, October, 1767. The County of York was organized in 1749 out of territory included in Lancaster County, and in 1800 the southwestern part of York County was set up separately as Adams County. The Manor of Masque included all of what is now Cumberland and parts of Freedom, Highland and Strabane Townships of this county, and extended for six miles on the Maryland border line. Many of the settlers lived within the Manor limits. An historical account, published 1876 in the Gettysburg Sentinel Star, written by Edward W. Mc Pherson, indicates that the William McGaughey home was within the eastern and McGaughey's Mill near the western limits of Manor. The text of the grant of land made to James McGaughey in 1768 by the Penns is to be found in this book. A list of payments made to the Proprietaries extending to 1795, is in existence and the names of James and John appear, but the statement is made that William McGaughey paid nothing. Among these first 71 settlers given grants are names familiar in our family record of those later related by marriage are Robert Bigham, Thomas Douglass, Hugh Ferguson, David Grier, Alexander and Joseph McKean, Wilsons, Walkers, and others. In the first census of Pennsylvania, taken in 1790, we find the names of twenty McGaugheys as heads of families; the larger number still in York and Cumberland Counties, but very soon they began to move westward to newer territory. In a peculiar way, the Scotch-Irish (so-called) people of this period seem free from any attachment to locality. A member of their group, in speaking of this characteristic, said, "They would hesitate to enter Heaven unless assured they could go further West", and soon we find them as pioneers in the newer territories and states, such as Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Tennessee, and Kentucky, so it is not surprising that we reach from coast to coast. An attempt was made to point out several of these more distinctive removals. As previously stated, the earliest records of the family history are found at York, Pa., though early records have been found in other places. The search has been made more difficult by the fact that many of the Gettysburg records were taken to Chambersburg for safe-keeping and were lost in 1864 when the town was burned by the Southern Army. At least two colonies from Lancaster Co., Pa. went to North Carolina. There are McGaughey marriages recorded as early as 1786 in Rowan County. Rev. Robert McMordie, pastor of one of the Marsh Creek churches from 1753 to 1761 had been in North Carolina. This branch of the family largely adopted the "McGahey" spelling of the name. Old letters reveal that at an early date there was visiting of the Indiana McGaugheys in Putmanville, Indiana (near Greencastle) by member of the Gettysburg family on their way to Illinois. Also included are the McGaugheys of Bedford, Pa. for there are indications of family acquaintance and a strong possibility that this family lived for some time in the Marsh Creek settlement for they do not appear in Bedford until 1785 and a record of this family made in 1835 by Arthur McGaughey of Kentucky, says they came to America in 1762. They played an honorable part in the history of Kentucky as well as Bedford, Pa., for as others of the name, they moved westward to new frontiers. William McGaughey was the first of our line to settle in America. No primary records have been found concerning his birth and parentage; we only have information handed down that he was born in Northern Ireland and sailed from Glasgow, Scotland for America about 1738. Your writer checked with the Genealogical Office in Dublin, Ireland and was informed that the family came from County Antrim. There have been so many William McGaugheys in Northern Ireland and Scotland, without more definite family data and due to the lapse of time, it would be a remote possibility for locating any records. The only information we have pertaining to his wife is that her name was Margaret, as named in William's will, and that she was born in Scotland. William died in 1750, his will having been proven 24 April, 1750. The first record of William is found in Delaware where the Wilmington Court records show he was executor for Patrick Cannon who had recently arrived in this country from Ireland. New Castle, Delaware was the disembarkation point for the colonists from Ireland going to the northern part of Pennsylvania. The next record of William's early activities in this country is a court indenture dated 1741 when land was purchased from Abigail Cannon of New Castle Co., Del. William apparently left Delaware sometime between 1741 and 1745 and moved on west into Pennsylvania. In 1745, the court records of Lancaster County show William McGaughey, Hugh Clark and John McDowell appoint Andrew McDowell as attorney to collect money from the estate of Dr. John McDowell of Rocking Valley, New Jersey. It is very likely, as shown by the land records, that the two oldest sons of William - John and James - went ahead of him and made arrangements for the family in the Marsh Creek settlement. John was about 30 years of age at the time and James at least 17. In the published record of settlers and the dates of settlement as referred to in "Manor of Masque", we find James recorded in April of 1740 and John in April of 1741. The records in the Land Office at Harrisburg, Pa. show two grants of land to James and the name of John appears twice as having applied for and been granted land, but it is evident that much of the land owned by the McGaugheys lay within the Manor of Masque and was not always recorded on the list of grants. After the final adjustment had been made with the early settlers, warrants were granted them on payment of fixed fees in 1768. We find the name of John and James on the list of having made payment, but after William McGaughey's name was the comment "nothing paid", however the regular fees were not fixed until after his death in 1750. In the earliest established limitations of the Manor, we find it noted that the land of the McGaugheys lay partly within and partly without the Manor. The southern limit of the Manor ran for six miles on the Maryland border line, as the line is now As nearly as possible, the first home of the McGaugheys has been located as within a mile of this line. A large old stone and brick house was still standing in 1933 on the farm owned by the Bighams and was said to be another early McGaughey home. Freedom Township in the southwest corner of the Manor lies a very short distance from the home of Walker Woods and Margaret (McGaughey), who owned the farm and had in their possession the old deed given to James McGaughey dated 6 June 1768 by the Penns. In William's will, the land in York County was left to the two older sons, John and James, but 400 acres in Maryland and on the Pennsylvania line, were left for "the boys", William and Alexander. As their father died in 1750, the oldest could hardly have been more than fifteen years of age thus William 2nd was born about 1735/38 and Alexander later. The foregoing was the introduction from Ms. Polly Rachel (McGaughey) Sutton's genealogical work, Descendants of William and Margaret McGaughey/y (Settled in York County, PA. 1740's) 1740-1984.
Annie McGaughey Born 10 Apr 1877 Marlin, FallsCo, Texas Died 3 Sep 1942 West Columbia, BrazoriaCo, Texas Married 24 Dec 1898 in MontgomeryCo, Texas Born 1 Jun 1871 MontgomeryCo, Texas Died 22 Mar 1933 HarrisCo, Texas
Annie McGaughey was known as Mambo by her grandchildren and descendants. Her gravestone in Freeman Cemetery, MontgomeryCo, TX lists her birthdate as 1879. She is said to have died at the residence of son James M. Morris. Reverend D. K. Morris. Annie McGaughey married pioneer evangelist, minister and pastor, Reverend D. K. Morris in 1898 at the age of 19 or 21. Morris' gravestone lists his birthdate as 1870. An article in The History of Harris County in the section on Humble relates:
Monroe McGaughey Born 1851 CherokeeCo, Texas Died 1914 MontgomeryCo, Texas Married 10 Dec 1875 FallsCo, Texas Willie Maines Born 1859 FallsCo, Texas Died 1893 FallsCo, Texas
In 1880 the family is listed in the FallsCo, TX census. William Monroe was called Mac McGaughey and is buried in the Freeman Cemetery next to the Morris plot described above. Willie Maines McGaughey died with complications in the birth of her youngest child, William M. (Buddie) McGaughey. John (Johnnie) McGaughey is also buried in the same plot. John W.
McGaughey Born 24 Apr 1829 LawrenceCo, Alabama Died after 1880 Texas Married 15 Nov 1849 CherokeeCo, Texas Frances L. Evans Born about 1827 PerryCo, Alabama Died before 1865 Texas
Frances L. Evans is thought to have been married to Mitus L. Easter, probably in LawrenceCo, AL before they came to Texas. Easter apparently died before 1847 in CherokeeCo, TX. CherokeeCo, TX Bk. A-2, Probate Minutes refer to Mitus L. Easter estate sale in which Benjamin Selman, Willis Selman, R.H. Boone, E.M. Bean and A. Dean made purchases. Some family records say Evan Evans, Thomas Selman and Able Dean were appraisers of the estate. John W. McGaughey married (2) Lizzia abt 1865 Texas Children: Annie (b. 1866), Mollie (b. 1878), Callie (b. 1872), John C. (b. 1875), Lizza (b. 1877) 1850: CherokeeCo, TX Census #508: Samuel M. farmer 44 b. TN; Florantine 32 b. SC; James H. 16 b. AL farmer; Benjamin F. 14 b. AL; Thomas B. 6/12 b. TX; John W. 21 AL mechanic; Frances 24 b. AL. 1860: FallsCo, TX census 1862: 19 Jan CherokeeCo Marriages, D2-244 lists James W. McGaughey & Sarah G. Blanton (probably James H. listed in the above two censuses) 1880: John W. McGaughey and Lizzia family (above) appears in the KerrCo, TX census Samuel
McSpadden McGaughey Born 20 Apr 1806 BlountCo, Tennessee Died 11 Jan 1869 CherokeeCo, Texas Married 18 Apr 1826 in Moulton, LawrenceCo, Alabama Mary Polly Barron Died before 1840 LawrenceCo, Alabama
Samuel and family moved to CherokeeCo, TX between 1840 and 1850 after his marriage to Florentine Terry in LawrenceCo, AL. The couple had four children in TX named Thomas J. (1849-1925; m. Mary Harriet J. Brazen), Alfred (b. 1850), William M. (1855-1931; m. Paralee Holcombe) and Mandella (1858-1878). 1830, 1840: Still listed in LawrenceCo, AL records. 1850: The family appears In CherokeeCo, TX census, Florentine appears up until 1900. 1851: The CherokeeCo History states that S.M. McGaughey was a founding member with Jr. Warden of the Terrell Masonic Lodge, first organized 1851. He lived in Linwood as did several Evans and Selmans.
Tyler Today says: After Jacksonville Junior and Senior High School, Neal attended Lon Morris College in Jacksonville to study business. He continued singing in the choir and performed with the Stellar Russell Group. Neal was "discovered" while selling ladies shoes at Baker's Shoe Store. As is his custom, he was singing while waiting on a lady whose boyfriend was in a band. The band needed a lead singer and she suggested that Neal audition. He did and became the lead singer for an R & B band in Longview. Neal continued to hold down a "day" job (most often operating a lawn service that gave him a more flexible schedule) and to sing every chance he could. He performed at Canton's, a Chinese restaurant in Longview for about three years, playing everything from big band to easy listening. In 1981, Neal entered a contest in Dallas, meeting Charley Pride (I found out later he did win). Country singer, Janie Fricke was a judge and after hearing Neal, initiated that fateful meeting with Pride. Neal soon earned a spot in the show and for several years toured with Pride and on his own hoping to get the attention of a record company. In 1990 he got his chance. He was performing in Phoenix, Arizona and was told some representatives from Atlantic Records would be flying in to hear him. They must have liked what they heard because Neal was offered a record deal and later that year released his first album, "At This Moment". Now, after eight albums, numerous awards including the 1998 and 1999 Entertainer of the Year presented by TNN/Music City News Country Awards, and the 1997 Video of the Year for "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye", Neal has established himself as one of country¹s most popular artists of all time. And he did it without living in Nashville. "I know I took a chance choosing to live in Longview instead of Nashville where a lot of the artists and record producers are, but my family is happy in East Texas and so am I". His family includes: wife, Melinda (they will celebrate their 20th anniversary this year), daughter, Miki 14 years-old and son, Swayde, who is 5. His mother-in-law, Patsy runs the Neal McCoy Fan Club based in Longview and other family members live in Longview, Jacksonville, and Tyler. Neal is proud of his mixed heritage. His father is a Texan of Irish descent and his mother is Filipino. He often refers to himself as a "Texapino". One thing is for sure -- when he opens his mouth to talk -- you know he's from East Texas! He's extremely proud of his roots and strives to continually make a difference to the people he says are the friendliest in the world. Neal and Melinda founded the East Texas Angel Network (ETAN) in 1995. The foundation provides financial assistance to families of children with serious illnesses. So far, the organization has raised over $1 million for the children of East Texas. In October of each year, Neal holds a concert and golf tournament in Longview that serves as a fund raiser for the organization. By participating in the University of Texas at Tyler Patriot Golf Classic, he is fulfilling one of his goals. "I believe education is extremely important and everyone should have the opportunity to go to college. The University wants to raise $100,000 for scholarships to be used right here in East Texas, and I strongly support that effort." Plus, Neal gets to play golf and go fishing (golfers will be invited on a special fishing trip courtesy of Skeeter Products, Inc.) two hobbies that he loves.
Harvey McGaughey Born 9 Apr 1777 Holston River Settlement, WashingtonCo, Virginia Died 8 Jun 1837 Mt. Hope, LawrenceCo, Alabama Married 19 Apr 1798 BlountCo, Tennessee Margaret McCain Born 14 Nov 1779 MecklenburgCo, North Carolina Died abt 1870 LawrenceCo, Alabama
1808: James and family with father William moved to MauryCo, TN, settled near Duck River, Columbia, TN. He was a Captain in the TN militia. 1813-14: War of 1812, served as Pvt. in Capt. James McMahan's Co., 1st Regiment Mounted (Perkins) West TN. 1814-1815: Corporal in David McKamy's Co., 3rd Regiment (Johnsons) East TN Militia. Received bounty for service. 1818: Moved with brothers Samuel and George Washington to Mt. Hope, LawrenceCo, AL.
McGaughey Born about 1738 Scotland Died 1812 Duck River, Columbia, MauryCo, Tennessee Married Jan 1760 Elizabeth Lackey Born 1742 Scotland Died 1804 SevierCo, Tennessee
1771: Moved from PA to Holston River Settlement, Washington District, VA, made a settlement in Turkey Cove in Powell's Valley in present LeeCo, VA. He is said to have served as a soldier in Elk Garden Fort. 1771: Thomas Seward deposed (Chalkley II, p.73) "that he was on a hunting trip into Powells Valley in 1771 and he met David Cowan, Tom Berry & Wm McGaughey." 1771: AugustaCo Will Bk 4, p.441 13 Aug: "John Berry's estate appraised by Jo Culton, John Walker & John Stewart. Produced bonds owed the estate of Hugh & Francis McClung, William McGaughey not solvent, Robert Farice not solvent, Peter Cartwright and Robt. Buchanan, solvent" 1771: "Simon Eli vs Robert & William Davis & Alex. Wiley, O.S. 36, N.S. 12: Bill dated 27th Oct 1800. In 1771 William McGhee (McGaughey) made a settlement in Turkey Cove of Powell Valley in present LeeCo of VA and he obtained a certificate from the Commissioners in 1779. James Arbuckle as assignee of Jephtha Messay also obtained a certificate for lands adjoining which were settled in 1776 which were transfered to the defendants. Vincent Hobbs deposes 'that he first became acquainted with the land in 1773 and he moved his family into the Cove in 1780 and found Rachel Arbuckle and her family there on a tract she claimed by Jeptha Messay's improvements. In the spring following [1781] all the families moved away because of the Indians being troublesome.' John Thompson deposes 'that in Feb 1778 he came to Turkey Cove to look at a tract he expected to buy.' Joseph Head deposes 'Peter Cloud first began to improve this land.' Thomas Berry deposes "that he knew of the McGehee's improvement in 1771.' William Collier deposes "that in the winter & spring preceding Christian's campaign [meaning Winter of 1775/6] he remained at the camp of Thomas Lovelady [a Rev. War soldier & long hunter who had a hunting cabin in Powells Valley]. Thomas Sowers, now called Soward, came in with Messey. The indians became troublesome and the people had to leave." (Chalkley II, p.76) 1773: 05 Jan William McGaughey signs 'THE CALL', a petition for Rev. Cummings to minister to Presbyterians in Holston River Settlement. 1774: 04 Oct Listed as a soldier at Elk Garden Fort (spelled Magee) 1774: Bought land on the Holston River; 235 acres on Head Sugar Tree Draft. 1775: Served under Col. John Neville in VA Militia which marched on Ft. Pitt by order of Provincial Convention of VA. 1782: Served with Capt. Daniel Bolls Co. on the PA line. 1783: 22 Dec William McGaughey bought 400 acres on Turkey Cove and 1000 acres in Powells Valley. 1785: The family moved to Boyd's Creek on the French Broad River where William established McGaughey's Fort or Station. Site of the fort is 13.5 miles SE of Knoxville, TN on old Hwy 411 to Sevierville. The fort gave protection to early settlers against Cherokees who were stirred by the British and a station between the capital of TN, Knoxville, and Sevierville. 1786: William McGaughey received a land grant of 200 acres on Limestone Fork of Lick Creek, GreeneCo, TN. 1797: Deed book A, p. 373, SevierCo, TN. 16 Feb William McGaughey sold land to Simon Ely for $2000, 1400 acres (400 +1000 acres) in LeeCo on both sides of Thompsons Creek, br of Powells R. 1804: After death of Elizabeth, William moved with sons James Harvey and George Washington to MauryCo, TN. Born Ireland? Died 1750 YorkCo, Pennsylvania Married Margaret
Like many original immigrants of our family lines, we have only family legend about the origin of the above couple. Family legend says William left Northern Ireland for Glasgow, Scotland where he met Margaret. They and four children are thought to have landed in America in 1738. First record of William is in Wilmington, DE court records. Many Irish immigrants landed in New Castle, DE on their way to PA. Williams will in 1750 where he died in YorkCo, PA is the most detailed document about the family. He left considerable lands to his sons. Last Will and
Testament of William McGaughey Dated 5 Jan 1749, proven 24 Apr 1750 In the name of God, Amen, the fifth day of January, anno dom., 1749, I, William McGaughey, of the Township of Hamilton Bann in the County of York in the Province of Pennsylvania, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God therefor, calling unto mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all. I give and recommend to the soul into the hands of God who gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God; as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life. I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. IMPRIMIS: I give and bequeath to Margaret, my beloved wife, the sum of fifty pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to be raised out of my estate, also the Negro girl, bed and bedding and furniture, a white mare and a dark-couloured colt, saddle and bridle, and her maintenance, as long as she lives my widow. ITEM: I give to my son, John McGaughey, the mill with all the land and appurtenances belonging to the same, as also the mare and colt that goes by his own name, as also the money which he, the said John hath a gond (note) for nine pounds. ITEM: I give to my son, James McGaughey, the plantation I now live on and his horse, saddle and bridle. ITEM: I give to my sons, William and Alexander, two hundred and fourteen acres of land which I bought in Maryland and two hundred acres joining the same on the Pennsylvania side. Four hundred and fourteen acres of land I order to be sold if my executors seeth proper and the price thereof to be put to interest for the use of said William and Alexander and to be equally divided between them both. I order also that as much money shall be raised out of my estate as will take out a deed for the two hundred and 14 acres in Maryland and also to pay for the surveying of the two hundred acres in Pennsylvania side and that my two sons, viz: William and Alexander shall not be charged with some or any part thereof. ITEM: I give to my daughter, Isabella McGaughey fifty pounds to be taken out of my estate, as also a bed and bedding and a horse valued by two neighbor as also a saddle and bridle. I give the gray colt three years old next spring to my son William I also give to my son Alexander a bay colt two years old next spring. I order and will that my beloved wife be maintained, as long as she remains my widow, by my two sons, viz: John and James, each of them at equal cost and charges in maintaining and building her a good warm commodious house on any part of the plantation that she shall think proper, in case she will not be satisfied to live with any of them. I order the sorrel horse to be kept still on the plantation as long as he is fit to work. I order that my sons William and Alexander be schooled and brought up, the charges to be taken out of my estate. I order and will the disposing of my hogs, horned cattle, beds and bedding (not already bequeathed) pewter, and all the household good to my beloved wife to dispose of the same to my children still as they marries. I order and will that if any one or more of my children be removed by death before he, she or they be of age, that his or their share or shares willed and bequeathed, shall be equally divided between the living children named above. I order also that my son, John, shall grind toll free to the rest of my children that shall think fit to go to the same. I order that my dear wife and all my children shall abide and continue together until the first day of June next ensuing before they divide or separate. I also give and bequeath to my cousin, William McGaughey, five pounds to be paid out of my estate. I also order that whatever more of my estate remains after what I have willed and bequeathed, that the same be equally divided among my children. I likewise constitute, make and ordain my well beloved wife and John McGaughey, my son, my sole executors of this my last will and testament and give them full power to sell and dispose of the land bequeathed to my two sons, viz: William and Alexander, and the price thereof to put to the best of use, that they, the said executors shall think proper for the benefit of said boys. And I do hereby utterly disavow, revoke and disannual all and every other former wills, testaments, legacies and bequests and executed by me in all ways before named. Willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament, ordering and desiring that my trusty friends James Agnew and Walter Sharp shall see this my last will duly executed. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day of year above written. Will McGaughey (seal) A significant part of the information on this page is from the work of Polly Rachel McGaughey Sutton, author of Descendants of William and Margaret McGaughey/y (Settled in York County, PA. 1740's) 1740-1984. Copies of the two volume set may still be available by writing to Polly Rachel (McGaughey) Sutton, 6001 Brookline Ave. #209, Oklahoma City, OK 73112-4257. SONS OF DEWITT COLONY TEXAS |