© 2000, Wallace L. McKeehan, All Rights Reserved
Consultation Nov 1835 | Independence-Index


Declaration of the People of Texas
Announcing the colonist's intention to fight for the restoration of the Constitution of 1824 and independent Mexican statehood for Texas.

English Translation

November 7, 1835.

DECLARACION DEL PUEBLO DE TEJAS, Reunido en Convencion General. Por cuantoel general Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, asociado con otros gefes militareshan destruido por medio de la fuerza armada las Instituciones Federalesde la Nacion Mejicana, y disuelto el pacto social que existia entre el Pueblo de Tejas y las demas partes de la confederacion Mejicana, el buen Pueblo de Tejas, usando de sus derechos naturales, DECLARA SOLEMNEMENTE,

Primero. Que ha tomado las armas en defensa de sus derechos y libertad esamenezados por los ataques del despotismo militar; y en defensa de losprincipios republicanos de la Constitucion Federal de Mejico, sancionadaen 1824.

Segundo. Que aunque Tejas no esta ya ni politica ni moralmenteligado por los lazos de la Union Federal, movido por la simpatia y generosidadnaturales a los pueblos libres, ofrece ayuda y asistencia a aquellos miembrosde la confederacion que tomasen las armas contra el despotismo militar.

Tercero. Que no reconoce en las actuales autoridades de la nominal Republica Mejicana ningun derecho para gobernar en el territorio de Tejas.

Cuarto.Que no cesara de hacer la guerra contra las mencionadas autoridades mientrasmantengan tropas en los terminos de Tejas.

Quinto. Que se considera conderecho de separarse de la Union a Mejico durante la desorganizacion delSistema Federal y el regimen del despotismo, y para organizar un gobiernoindependiente o adoptar aquellas medidas que sean adecuadas para protegersus derechos y libertades; pero continuara fiel al gobierno Mejicano enel caso de que la nacion sea gobernada por la Constitucion y las leyesque fueron formadas para el regimen de su asociacion politica.

Sesto. Que Tejas se obliga a pagar los gastos de sus tropas en actividad actualmenteen la campana.

Septimo. Que Tejas empena su credito y fe publica para elpago de las deudas que contrageren sus agentes.

Octavo. Que recompensaracon donaciones de tierra y los derechos de ciudadania a los voluntariosque prestasen servicios en la presente lucha. Esta es la declaracion queprofesamos delante del mundo, llamando a Dios por testigo de la sinceridadde nuestras intenciones, invocando su maldicion sobre nuestras cabezasen el caso de faltar a ella por doblez o intencion danada.

B.T. ARCHER, Presidente.

Municipalidad de Gonzales-- J. D. Clemens

Municipalidad de Austin --Benjamin Fuqua, Thomas Barnett, James Hodges, Wyly Martin,
William Arrington, Randall Jones, William S. Fisher, Wm. Menifee, G.W. Davis. Jesse Burnam.

Municipalidad de Viesca.

Municipalidad de Matagorda.-- S.T. Allen, R.R. Royall, A.G. Perry, Charles Wilson, J.G.W. Pierson

Municipalidad de Washington-- Alexander Thompson, Asa Mitchell, J.W.Parker. Philip Coe

Municipalidad de Nacogdoches-- Elijah Collard, Samuel Houston, Jesse Grimes, Daniel Parker, A. Hoxie, James W. Robertson

Municipalidad de Mina-- William Whitaker, J.S. Lester

Municipalidad of Bevil-- D.C. Barrett, John Bevil, R.M. Williamson. S.H. Everett

Municipalidad de Columbia-- Wyatt Hanks, Henry Smith

Municipalidad de San Augustin --Edwin Waller, A. Houston, J.S.D. Byrom, Wm. N. Sigler, John A. Wharton, A.E.C. Johnson, W.D.C. Hall, Martin Palmer, A. Horton

Municipalidad de Harrisburgh --Henry Augustin, Lorenzo de Zavala, A.G.Kellog. Wm. P. Harris

Municipalidad de Liberty -- C.C. Dyer, J.B. WoodsMeriwether W. Smith, A.B. Hardin, John W. Moore, Henry Millard, D.B.Macomb, C. West.

Sala de la Convencion en San Felipe de Austin, 7 deNoviembre de 1825. P.B. Dexter, Secretario.



In General Convention Assembled.

Whereas, General Antonio Lopez deSanta Anna, and other military chieftains, have, by force of arms, overthrown the federal institutions of Mexico, and dissolved the social compact which existed between Texas and the other members of the Mexican confederacy; now the good people of Texas, availing themselves of their natural rights, SOLEMNLY DECLARE,

1st. That they have taken up arms in defence of their rights and liberties, which were threatened by the encroachments of military despots, and in defence of the republican principles of the federal constitution of Mexico, of eighteen and twenty-four.

2d. That Texas is no longer morally or civilly bound by the compact of union; yet, stimulated by the generosity and sympathy common to a free people, they offer their support and assistanceto such of the members of the Mexican confederacy as will take up arms against military despotism.

3d. That they do not acknowledge that the present authorities of the nominal Mexican republic have the right to govern within the limits of Texas.

4th. That they will not cease to carry on war against the said authorities whilst their troops are within the limits of Texas.

5th. That they hold it to be their right during the disorganization ofthe federal system, and the reign of despotism, to withdraw from the union, to establish an independent government, or to adopt such measures as they may deem best calculated to protect their rights and liberties, but thatthey will continue faithful to the Mexican government so long as that nationis governed by the constitution and laws that were formed for the government of the political association.

6th. That Texas is responsible for the expense of her armies now in the field. 

7th. That the public faith of Texas is pledged for the payment of any debts contracted by her agents.

8th. That she will reward, by donations in lands, all who volunteer their services in her present struggle, and receive them as citizens. These declarations we solemnly avow to the world, and call God to witness their truth and sincerity, and invoke defeat and disgrace upon our heads, should we prove guilty of duplicity.


Provided courtesy of Randall Tarin from the files of Alamo de Parras

© 2000, Wallace L. McKeehan, All Rights Reserved