OF DEWITT COLONY TEXAS Gonzales Inner Town | Gonzales Outer Town From the files of the General Land Office of the State of Texas. The list contains the name of the grantee, marital status (M, married; S, single; W, widow or widower), the size of the family, the date of arrival and the date of title issued on the empresa (empresario grant) contracted to empresario (agent or contractor) Green DeWitt under colonization policy of the Republic of Mexico. The date of arrival is probably the best estimate made by DeWitt Colony officials and has in some cases been shown to be inaccurate by other records. An exceptionally large family is assumed to include slaves. Single men were entitled to a quarter sitio of land (about 1107 acres). A sitio is one square league (5000 varas, 1 vara = 33.33 inches or almost one yard; varas divided by 0.36 = feet), and is often referred to as a league of land. Married colonists were entitled to a full sitio (4428.040 acres) of which 24/25, which is also often referred to as a league of land (about 4251 acres), was rangeland. The remaining 1/25 sitio or labor of land (about 177 acres) was arable farmland. Grants to single men below are one quarter sitio, to married individuals are 24/25 sitio and where indicated a labor. The DeWitt Colony land records indicated a total of 201 grants were made, 183 through the empresario and colonization laws and 18 by personal authority of Land Commissioner Jose Navarro or Green DeWitt. The numbers refer to plots identified on land grant maps adapted from DeWitt's Colony by Ethel Zivley Rather. *Asterisks indicate grantees who were unable to sign documents.
Click on number to locate the land on maps
showing current county.
No. 60 Ambrose Fenney is actually Ambrose Tinney. Titles for grants of Alexander, Brock and Abraham McClure were set aside by court decree 1843 and 1853.