The Dahlberg Saga
Current family records
begin with Carl Gustav Dahlberg (1857-1924) and his brothers and
sisters, Johan (d. abt 1921), Johanna (d. 1928), Anna Sofia (m. A.O. Hedlund, d. abt 1923;
children Karl Axel and Anna Hedlund) and Thors Lars Erik (d. 1933) in Sala, Westmanland.
Carl Gustav was a skilled tanner and the indicated photo of his shop is in a period
cultural display section in the National Museum in Stockholm. Carl Gustav was born a
Johansson, his father was shoemaker Thors Johann Andersson (b. 1822), his mother was Anna
Görsdotter (b. 1817, Fäggeby, Dalarnas lan). Why and when he adopted the surname
Dahlberg is unknown. Adoption of a surname and diversion from the patronymic system
of naming each generation was common among craftsmen and professionals in the
period. His brothers and sisters are all referred to as Johansson or Johansdotter,
respectively, in legal records. Legal documents from 1934 that settled the estate of the
last survivor of the family, Lars Erik Johansson, revealed most about the family and
identified living descendants. On 23 Dec 1917 at Stora Skedvi och Forsbo, unmarried
siblings skomakarne (shoemaker) Johann Johansson, Johanna Johansdotter and
lagenhetsägaren (apartment complex owner) Lars Erik Johansson made agreements and
testaments to turn over assets of each as they died to the survivors within the three and
that the last survivor would have discretion to will assets to surviving relatives as they
wished. The will was witnessed by Karl August Ericksson and Erik Anselm Samuelsson from
Fäggeby. K.A. Ericksson was the overseer of their estates through most of the years prior
to final disposition in 1934. On 15 Apr 1918, the Hedemora court verified the will that
was attested to by court officer Allan Tigerschiola. (St. Skedvi, Forsbo and
Fäggeby are communities north of Hedemora in Dalarna).
On 11 Apr 1921, Lars Erik's will was modified to indicate that his
brother Johann Johansson had died and his assets were passed to his sister and brother
according to agreement. The addition was witnessed by Carl Söderstrom. At St. Skedvi och
Forsbo on 10 Sep 1921, sister Anna Sofia (Johansdotter) Hedlund and her spouse, A.O.
Hedlund, and brother Carl Gustaf Dahlberg verified that they were aware of the situation.
On 26 Nov 1928, Lars Erik's will was modified to note the death of sister Johanna
Johansson by court officer Ludvig Lerichs at Hedemora. On 26 Feb 1929, the will was
verified as authentic at St. Skedvi och Fäggeby by the court. A letter of 30 Mar 1929 to Carl Theodor Dahlberg, Carl Gustaf's oldest
son, from court official K.A. Ericksson of Fäggeby and Bispberg says that Lars Erik
received 7166.64 kronor from Johanna which is in the bank. The letter noted that it is
uncertain how much the estate is or will be, but Lars lives like a pauper. This letter
came to Carl Theodor since his father Carl Gustaf had died in 1924.
On 7 Apr
1929, a letter to Carl Theodor from brother Johann Sigfrid Dahlberg (photo left ca.
1929) from Tärnsjö discussed the changes in the family. He tells of hearing from
Karl Hedlund that their aunt (Anna Sofia Johansdotter Hedlund) had died 5 or 6 years
earlier and that their aunt Johanna died last fall. In his uncle Lars Erik
Johansson's will, Anna Sofia Hedlund was referred to as a sjuksköterskan (nurse) from
Enviken (Dalarna north of Hedemora). Sigfrid is referred to as "Slaktaren
Sigfrid Dahlberg, box 36, Tärnsjö, gift med Elsa Dahlberg, fodd Lindstrom."
(Tärnsjö is in Västmanland, north of Sala). Sigfrid and Elsa had children Sigrid
Matilda (1917-1965), Erik (b. 1919), Gustav Sune (1921-1990), Bengt Johann (1922-1981),
Karl Sigvard (b. 1926) and Margit (b. 1931).
On 12 May 1933, Lars Erik Johansson wrote an additional testament
willing his nephew, flottningsarbetaren (forester involved in moving timber by river) Karl
Axel Hedlund from Fäggeby, his apartment at Sjöholms nr. 1 at Anstahyttan. At the same
time, he wrote that hemmansagaren (homeowner) Velanders Karl Ericksson and his wife Selma
Eriksson from Anstahyttan should receive 500 kronor. This was in addition to the original
agreement that assets should be distributed to surviving relatives upon his death. Janne
and Margit Gustafsson of Uppbo witnessed this addendum. A letter to Carl Theodor
Dahlberg of 11 Sep 1935 from Janne Gustafsson of Anstahyttan informed him that a hearing
for settlement of his uncle Thors Lars Erik Johansson's estate would be Saturday the 16th
of Sep at 2 PM. The letter listed assets of an apartment worth about 1500 kronor and about
10,800 kronor in cash assets. He informed him that the assets will be distributed
according to the wills. Another letter of 21 Sep 1933 to Carl Theodor Dahlberg from court
official Janne Gustafsson from Anstahyttan stated the inventory of Lars Erik's estate at
13549.69 kronor. A 1933 letter to Carl Theodor Dahlberg of 3 Oct from court official Kalle
Johansson reported progress in distribution of the estate. It stated that his brother
Albert estimated that the Gustav Dahlberg children would each get 3000 kronor but that was
before he learned of the Hedlund family's interest in the estate. It noted Albert
obviously was in a hurry to get his share.
A letter of 4 Oct 1933 from Carl Theodor Dahlberg wrote Janne Gustafsson
of Anstahyttan giving power of attorney to his sister Elisabet (Lisen/Lisken) and Karl
Johansson (photo left). Attached was a letter to Karl Johansson and Lisken giving the
power of attorney. He explained he was over 50, had much work to do, was on a diet and
could not make the trip to Dalarna. A letter of 18 Jan 1934 from Janne Gustafsson informed
Carl Theodor Dahlberg and other relatives that the date of final settlement of the will
was to be Thursday, 25 Jan 1934 at 11 AM at the home of Karl Hedlund at Fäggeby. A
handwritten letter of 21 Jan 1934 by Carl Theodor served as his official transfer of
rights of attorney to svåger (brother-in-law) Karl Johansson of Alvägen 7, Bromsten
(Stockholm). A letter of 26 Jan 1934 to Carl Theodor from Karl and Lisken Johansson
described their trip to Fäggeby and the settlement of the will. Deceased Anna Sofia
Johansdotter and A.O. Hedlund's children, Karl Axel (m. Emma Gustafsson) and Anna Hedlund
each received 2666.65 kronor from the estate. Flottningsarbetere Karl Axel Hedlund from
Fäggeby, mentioned specifically in Lars Erik Johansson's will, received the apartment at
Sjöholms nr. 1 at Anstahyttan valued at 2200 kr. and also 212.75 kr. in addition to the
2666.65 kr. Anna Hedlund received a 2,666.65 kr. share. Carl Gustav Dahlberg's living
children each received a share of 888.88 kr. The children of Elin Sophia Dahlberg
Lundberg, who died 6 Nov 1919, Tora Sofia Lundberg (b. 10 Sep 1916) and Karl Thure
Lundberg (b. 1918), received each a 444.44 kr. share for their parents.
The 1934 settlement
of Lars Erik Johansson's estate referred to "Harald Gustaf Dahlberg, bosatt i
Amerika under adress box 428 R I, East Detroit, Mich. USA, gift med Linnea Dahlberg, fodd
Andersson, samtliga förutnämnda myndiga." According to living relatives
in Sweden, Harald Dahlberg had two sons born in America. Indicated is a photo which
was among the papers of brother Carl Theodor. On the back of the photo was written "Här
är ett cort blev taget för två år sedan när jag fick mina Americanska medborgar
paper." ("Here is a photo taken two years ago for my American citizenship
papers"). East Detroit was in MacCombCo, MI. Michigan death records
indicated that a "Harold G. Dahlberg" died 7 Nov 1945 in OaklandCo, MI. A
"Hannah Dahlberg" died in MacCombCo on 10 Mar 1976, but it is unknown if she
were a relation.
Gustav Dahlberg was born 15 Apr 1857 in Sala, Västmanland. He married Katarina
Sofia Persdotter (1852-1921) 10 May 1880 in Västerås, Västmanland (south
of Sala). Katarina Sofia was born in Östervåla, Västmanland (northeast of Sala) on 10
May 1880. She died 13 Apr 1921 in Sala. Her obituary of 1921 in the papers of son
Carl Theodor reads:
"Att vi mistat vår älskade maka och moder Katarina Sofia
Dahlberg, som avled den 15 April i en ålder av 68 år, delgives under djupaste sorg. Hav
tack för din kärlek till de dina! Sala den 13 April 1921. C.G. Dahlberg. Barn och
barnbarn." ("Because we miss our loved wife and mother Katarina Sofia
Dahlberg who passed away on 15 Apr at the age of 68, we express deepest sorrow.
Thank you for your love. Sala 13 Apr 1921. C.G. Dahlberg, children and
Carl Gustav Dahlberg died 14 Apr 1924. He was known beyond his
tanning skills as an outspoken community activist, a supporter of three term socialist
democrat prime minister Hjalmer Branting. Copies of tributes found in the papers of
Carl Theodor Dahlberg were:
"Döda: Att vi mistat vår älskade fader C.G. Dahlberg som avled
den 14 April 1924 i en ålder av 67 år, delgives under djupaste sorg. Hav tack för din
kärlek till de dina! Tärnsjö den 16 April 1924. Barnen." ("Dead.
Because we miss our loved father C.G. Dahlberg who passed away on 14 Apr 1924 at
the age of 67, express our deepest sorrow. Thanks for your love. Tärnsjö 16
Apr 1924. Children.")
Another clipping says "Till I.O.G.T medlemmar samt de som hedrat
vår fader, C.G. Dahlberg, vid hans börtgang vårt hjärtliga tack. Barnen." ("To
the I.O.G.T members and the ones who honored our father, C.G. Dahlberg, at his passing,
many thanks. Children")
Another says "Jordfästning. Stoftet efter en gammal Salabo,
gärvare C.G. Dahlberg, vigdes i går till den sista vilan på nya kyrkogården
härstades. Jordfästningen forrättades i gravkapellet av kyrkoherde Magneli, som höll
en dödsbetraktelse med utgång från orden: 'Om av allt Edert hjarta I mig soken, då mig
ock i skolen finna.' Efter jordfästningen utbars kistan, företrädd av Sala
godtemplarloges standar, samt sänktes i graven. Vid denna bringade dir. P. Pehrsson a
logen 37 Victorias vägnar den bortgångne ett varmt tack för vad han uträttat inom
orden och nedlade samtidigt en krans från nämnda loge. Den avlidne, som följdes
till graven av släktingar och flera vänner, hade i övrigt agnats en ganska riklig
blomstergård." ("Funeral. The remains of an old Sala resident,
tanner C.G. Dahlberg, was laid yesterday to his final rest at the new cemetery
previously mentioned. The funeral was performed in the cemetery chapel by pastor
Magneli who gave a eulogy based on these words 'If you look for me within your heart,
there you will find me.' After the funeral, the coffin was carried out preceded by
the Sala Knights Templar banner, which was buried with it. At the graveside,
director P. Pehrsson represented lodge 37 Victorias and gave the deceased warm thanks for
his contributions to the organization and laid a wreath on behalf of the lodge. The
deceased was followed to his gravesite by his relatives and friends which had many
The children of Carl Gustaf and Katarina Sofia Dahlberg
were Carl Theodor (1880-1960), Anna Elisabet (b. 1883; m. Karl Johansson), Harald
Gustav (1885-1945; m. Linnea Andersson), Johann Sigfrid
(1887-1956; m. Elsa Lindstrom), Elin Sophia (1888-1919; m. Lundberg) and Albert Veneer
(1890-1950; m. Tora). Carl Theodor's story follows. The other children are
described above.
Theodor Dahlberg (1880-1960) was born 13 May 1880. He learned blacksmithing
as an apprentice. His tanner father probably introduced him to a customer, C.M. Wiberg,
who was a sled and carriage maker whose product was dependent on the combination of good
leather and metal work. In 1901 he received a good recommendation from Aktiebolaget C.M.
Wibergs, Vagn- och Redskapsfabrik (Wagon and Upholstery Co.) in Ransta (between Sala and
Västerås) which describes his apprenticeship and work as a blacksmith. He began work
there 1 Mar 1896, it states "han undertiden utbildet sig till en god smed." (He
developed himself into a good blacksmith). An obituary of C.M. Wiberg was found in
the papers of Carl Theodor. He received another recommendation 14 Jun 1902 from C. Oberg,
Västerås, with whom he had worked in 1901.
In 1902, Carl Theodor applied to emigrate to America. Papers dated
April 1902 are in his artifacts. The papers state "afflytta till Amerika på grund av
tryckande konjungturen och i tillforsigt på bettre utkomst." ("emigrating
to America because of the unstable economy and prospect for a better future")
Work records (Betyg) in his papers show he worked with Sala Maskinfabriks-Aktiebolag in
Sala 17 Jun 1902 to 1 May 1903. (Dahlberg is in the second row, third from the right

According to his Inscrivningsbok, he moved from Sala 11 Nov 1903 and
arrived in Söderhamn, Gävleborg province, on the east coast of Sweden 20 Nov 1903. From
5 May 1903 to 6 Feb 1904, he worked with Söderhamns Werkstads-och Warfs-Aktiebolag where
his work was described as "mycket god."

(Dahlberg is in the second row, second from right above) From 16
Feb 1904 to 12 Apr 1906, he worked with Aktie Bolaget Bofors Gullspang Kanonverkstaden. On
23 Apr 1906 he returned to the job at Söderhamns Werkstads- & Warfs Aktiebolag and
left again on 16 Jan 1907. On 22 Jan 1907, he returned to work at Bofors and worked until
28 Jul 1915. According to a recommendation letter, he worked as a racksmide for
Larsbo-Norns Aktiebolag in Vikmanshyttan (west of Hedemora) from 1 Aug 1915 to 20 May
On 24 May 1916 he began working at Nya Aktiebolaget Atlas in Stockholm
until 14 Sep 1916. He returned to Bofors in Sep 1916 where he worked until retirement in
Sep 1944.
Sometime before 1912, Carl Theodor married Nanny Lovisa Margaretha
Broms (1883-1915) in Karlskoga, Wermland (photo below left). She died of the
influenza epidemic and pneumonia that swept across Europe in the period.